Complete in Gratitude

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My goal was to write 42 blogs, and not 42 days, so it has taken me a little longer to complete this series, but I’m ok with that. I am so Great-Full for another amazing 42 Day adventure inspired by Stacey Robyn. It’s been an interesting ride, filled with amazing and most importantly, positive changes and oh so many ah-ha moments.

A few blogs ago, in Unifying Gratitude, I wrote a Haiku poem for the people of Japan and submitted it to OM-Times Magazine. Today I found out that my poem was selected, along with many others, in the May issue and also in their You Tube video. What a wonderful new beginning and an amazing way to complete my series of 42 Dream Seed blogs. I feel so blessed to even be included, I have come so far and it’s nothing short of miraculous!

Today is Day 42 and I have completed this journey and I will begin another, I’m thinking of calling it ‘Miracles.’ I never wrote very many blogs after the first series, so we shall see…

Blessings of Love, Light and Gratitude, I am Marsha!

Day 42 BLOOMING HUMANS ARE WE, by Stacey Robyn


ATTENTION, we create (W)RITES OF PASSAGE … consciously designing, initiating and celebrating our co-journey into the Age of Peace and Illumination.

The First Spirit, The WATERS OF LIFE expand, activate and nourish our Dream Seeds; RELEASING TO GROW, we birth ROOTS AND SHOOTS, carrying our visions INWARD, ONWARD, UPWARD, OUTWARD.
RADICAL ACTION opens the Way, for PHOTOSYNTHESIS to feed our Light bodies, and vivify our whole-being.

With open hearts, we see BEAUTY ALL AROUND and choose - again and again - to BE LOVE.

Celebrating our ROOTS OF UNITY, we co-create (K)NEW STRUCTURES. SOURCE CODED TO THRIVE, our dreams, callings and visions continue to GO AND GROW.

RE-VIEWING INTENT WITH GRATITUDE; we explore new pathways of Appreciation and SELF LOVE. We ASK AND ACT, harmonizing in-flow and out-flow, consciously choosing when, where, why and how to Go.

BUDDING HAIKU is the Poetry of Possibility; written in our Hearts, our CHERISHED DREAMS become reality.

Our HUMANIFESTO guides, connects, unifies and inspires … We choose to BE the change we wish to see in the World.


The DIVINE UNION of Heart and Mind, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, Light and Dark, Above and Below facilitates ACTUALIZATION FERTILIZATION … proceeding the THE GREAT GIVE-AWAY, of the fruits of our TREE OF LOVE, now thriving in the GARDEN OF ILLUMINATED HEARTS.


With Faith Wisdom, INTUITION FRUITION synchronously guides our daily lives, and IN GRATITUDE WE GROW.



Together in Gratitude

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just for today …

“Enter the silence, and breathe into the sacred space of the Heart where the Light of Love lives. In the silent space of communion with the Divine… imagine a Garden of Illuminated Hearts filled with Trees of Love, each unique and precious creating a landscape of perpetual change … each a living, breathing flow-er of Live.”
~ Day 41 The Great Coming Together, Stacey Robyn

I am Birthing my New Reality, in the Sacred Space at the Heart of my Being where Love lives. Never in my I-MAGI-NATION could I have foretold the changes that this 42 day series of blogs would bring in my life. I am so Great-Full that I was able to participate in Birthing a New Reality. And my heart-felt Great-Full-Ness to Stacey Robyn for helping me, along with so many others, to become a Blooming Human and to grow into a Tree of Love in the Garden of Illuminated hearts. I feel so much more connected to All that IS, and to One another.

Looking back, I am so thankful to be where I am today. I don’t think I would be here if God had not loved me so completely and unconditionally when I struggled with darkness in the depths of depression, fighting so many battles of good and evil and so afraid of being alone. I am calm and I have found peace deep within, and I now know that I am not alone. My beliefs have changed dramatically, and just knowing that I am not alone is huge for me because this was one of my biggest fears. And all the times that I thought I was so desperately alone was only an illusion, it was not real.

I have certainly Birthed a New Reality. It’s really pretty amazing, and I am so thankful that I was willing to hear the message and to allow new doors to be opened in my life. I am entering the Age of Peace and Illumination. In Oneness as one Heart, I feel the Joyous Great Coming Together of the Children of the Four Directions.

With One Heart, in Gratitude, I am Marsha!

The Gabriel Messages

When thousands gather for prayer and communion with each other, by technology or in person, a new level of Light embraces the planet. There are many masters, angels and ascended beings working with the people of the Earth to create a new way of living before it is too late.

The power of this non-physical assistance, when joined with the gathering force of awakened heart-centered beings, is not to be doubted.

Your part is clear. As you rise up in yourself to find a higher form of grace and astute awareness, you become part of the great Web of Peace encircling the planet. Every person who is awakening is essential to this movement.

As you allow your heart to be your guide, your actions become more peace centered, and your awareness is filled with the Light of Truth. Rejoice in the possibilities that exist for the Earth during this precious time. Make yourself receptive to the many high-frequency activations that are currently sweeping the world and integrate them into your being.

Remember how important your very presence is to this evolution of consciousness. When hearts and minds are attuned to the Oneness that is Divine Love, it sparks new more enlightened activity, and Peace will prevail upon the Earth.

You are loved beyond your capacity to truly know with your mind, but you can feel it in your heart. You can learn to join in the alignment with your most sacred, Divine Self to receive your own answers and be empowered in every area of your life.

This is a magical time that can uplift humanity and bring a sense of sacredness to the Earth. Your continued support is invaluable.

Your sacred task is to release any attachment to the appearance of disharmony, but to hold to the love inherent within all things, especially yourself. As you do this it will bring more Light to the planet. This job is yours if you choose. Come, heed the call and rejoice in the New Earth you are creating.

May all beings act from their awakened heart and illuminate the planet with Divine Love.
~ Shanta Gabriel

One In Oneness

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Changes can occur in an instant but it takes so much longer for my mind to accept it. Change, my constant companion, has always been difficult for me. I am also not good with surprises or last minute adventures. On the other hand, I love miracles, flashes of insight and ah-ha moments!

For the longest time, I have believed that change was the only thing I could count on, but I have come to realize that I can trust the peace and stillness deep within my soul, in my castle. I know that only love is real. In my world of illusion, it often takes time for my mind to develop the willingness to accept change. But now I wonder, could it be that change is an illusion?

A few years ago I had an out of body experience. I believe it only lasted a few seconds, but I learned so much during such a short time, I realized that time had passed differently for me during the time I was floating out of my body. Along with change, time is another illusion in the world of matter.

Even though I realize that this world is only an illusion, and it seems silly to get upset about something someone says or does, or even to get frustrated with my computer, I’m sure that when little things like this happen, I will have to remind myself that it’s not real. This concept is huge for me, because I know from my past experience that I have extreme difficulty expressing anger toward others. I tend to hold in it, and repressed anger turns into depression.

I also know from my own experience that it’s not always that easy for me to change my beliefs, it’s a process that takes time. So, here I go, one breath, one heartbeat, one step at a time, allowing my Tree of Love to thrive in the Garden of Illuminated Hearts...

One Heart, One World, One Love, I am Marsha!

"The relationship between our quest for divine purpose and our capacity to love is tangible. As we open the gateway to our heart, our callings step on through, revealing themselves a little bit more with every deepening.

As we infuse our lives with loving-kindness, we enliven our path, granting ourselves the energy we need to see our Godly purpose all the way through to completion. Love is God in her most clarified forms."

~ Jeff Brown (Soulshaping)

Be Member

Friday, April 29, 2011

We live in a world of illusion, where the ego is queen or king as the case might be, but this can change and is changing for many of us. I have learned not to listen to the negative thoughts of the ego and the fear it creates, usually or at least I am trying. I know that it’s not real, and only Love is real.

I have stopped criticizing myself so harshly, putting my self down, and beating myself up. I remember years ago reading self help books telling me to ‘Love Myself.’ I could never really understand how to do this or even how it would help, but somehow over the years I have come to love myself even though I thought I never could.

I am open to new ways of perceiving the world and a knew Be-Leaf System is appearing for me. So many of the things that I thought were important are not because I have learned that anything that is not an extension of love is meaningless. I have found the peace and beauty in the silence and stillness within, the Divine Light burning in my heart.

So, just for today… I BE-member I am Love, awakening to my True Divine Nature - LOVE, integrating truth, dissolving all layers of illusion and separation, shifting into a deeper resonance and connection with ALL that is.

Awakening to my True Divine Nature - LOVE, I am Marsha!

The Essential Self, Cultivating the Sacred Feminine

“As we become more aligned with the essence of our true nature that is love we more readily accept our selves and others as they are. Coming from this loving place opens our hearts in mutual compassion and stimulates the innate potential for healing in ourselves and in our relationships.

Love is not a verb, it is a noun because it is energetic stuff we are made of that emanates from our core. It is what we experience when we return to our original state of being. We can see its quality in everything especially when we extend the love that we have for ourselves to others. Loving is not something we contemplate or intellectualize doing. It is actively holding the space of love by being present!"

~ Alisa Battaglia

In Gratitude We Grow

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Just for today …
Enter the castle of your soul,
The Sacred Space of your Heart
And be alone with God.

For me it’s important to have an open mind not only to receiving Divine Light but also to new ideas. So it’s especially important for me to release old beliefs and strive to find true understanding. This is also a choice, and I choose to be open. How can I learn anything if my mind is closed? There is so much knowledge out there, it is literally impossible to absorb it in one lifetime or even several. I know that I am only touching the surface, I am only seeing the tip of the iceberg. In fact, I have come to realize that I know nothing. Another ah-ah moment!

Today I am choosing to be open to feeling the real-ness of the IS-ness, wholly and completely in every facet of my BE-ing and to experience the Great-Full-Ness of life. I choose to continue releasing my judgments and false beliefs, and to be open to learning and receiving and of course, I will always continue asking questions.

There is so much more to life than how I perceive in to be. Even though we may all be one, we all have our own realities and since there are over 6 billion people alive on Earth today, that means there are over 6 billion different realities! Imagine that!

I am gratefully sharing a common vision and path, I am Marsha!

Gratefulness in the character is like fragrance in the flower. A person however learned and qualified in his life's work, in whom gratefulness is absent, is devoid of that beauty of character which makes the personality fragrant.

If we answer every little deed of kindness with appreciation, we develop in our nature the spirit of gratefulness; and by learning this we rise to that state where we begin to realize God's goodness toward us, and for this we can never be grateful enough to His/Her divine compassion.

The great Sufi poet Sa'di teaches gratefulness as being the means of attracting that favour, forgiveness, and mercy of God upon us in which is the salvation of our soul.

There is much in life that we can be grateful for, in spite of all the difficulties and troubles of life.  Sa'di says, "The sun and moon, and the rain and clouds, all are busy to prepare your food for you, and it is unfair indeed if you do not appreciate it in thanksgiving."

God's goodness is something one cannot learn to know at once; it takes time to understand it.  But little actions of kindness which we receive from those around us we can know, and we can be thankful if we want to be.  In this way man develops gratefulness in his nature, and expresses it in his thought, speech, and action as an exquisite form of beauty.

~ Inayat Khan

Intuitive Gratitude

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I believe one of the hardest lessons to learn is to live in the present. At first it’s so difficult, but as time goes on it becomes easier to be in the now. I have found in times of stress it’s so helpful and calming to take a moment to just listen to the stillness between my thoughts, and to be in the now.

My soul is ready and is calling out for transformation. Since 2011 is already bringing major transformation all around the world, it’s the perfect time for making changes. Change my constant companion, has not always been easy for me, but it is one thing I can always count on. As my energy shifts, it is becoming easier to release that which is no longer resonating with me, allowing it to fall away.

And speaking of allowing the old, dense energy to flow away and replacing it with a clearer more balanced expression of light… my old computer died. And thankfully I was able to replace it. I love my new laptop, even though I had to learn how to touch type with an Irish style keyboard, some of the keys are in different locations. It’s such a process getting all the software reinstalled and I have even had to purchase updates to make it work with Windows 7. I’m still working on it, but I am getting there, slowly but surely.

It’s only April and it seems like many major changes are occurring for me, and of course, all over the world, with more to come I’m sure. I feel that 2011 is only a prelude to what’s going to happen in 2012. I have always felt that I am here for the ‘transformation’ which I originally thought would be in 2000. But I wasn’t ready then, because I was still afraid of what the future would bring. My intuition tells me it is happening now, and I am at peace. Whatever is still with me at the end of 2012 is what is supposed to be here.

I am peace! I am Marsha!

“Explanations usually come along with intuitive messages on a ‘need to know basis.’ When the bigger, more important messages need to surface, they will, so pay attention! Listen with your heart. We know that the heart has many more neurons than it would need just for circulation of blood.

By following through on your everyday hunches, you are actually taking test drives, virtually honing in on your listening skills. These skills will serve you well. Everyone is apparently somewhat psychic, but many people just have flabby psychic muscles.

Learning to listen to your inner dialog tones and strengthens this muscle. The more you use your intuition the better you get at it. When we choose to ignore our gut instincts, we are only hurting ourselves. The holistic or wholistic movement is about healing this problem.

Listening to your intuition is the essence of art and creativity and soulful living. Intuition is what you use to find the purpose of your life and your place in the world. Once you awaken your inner guide by unlocking the wisdom of your subconscious mind, you already know what to do.”
~ AngelFire

In Oneness

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Just for today …
Breathe into your Heart
Knowing you are One Tree of Love,
Growing amongst many
In the Garden of Illuminated Hearts.
~ Stacey Robyn

I know within my heart and soul that we are all one and that the separation I feel is only an illusion. Have you ever been close enough to someone to feel their energy, their heat? If so, them you have touched their Grace, the Light of God within them. And so today I choose to see the Light of God within everyone. I know that if we could all do this, our world would be filled with love and joy and happiness! Imagine how the Angels would sing...

I believe there is Light within all religions, as well as darkness. This is but another balance of good and evil. And so I am all religions, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist… and I am none! I also know that this balance of Light and Dark exists within me, and I strive always to heal the darkness and learn and grow, filling my being with more and more Light. And I have found the Divine deep within my soul… I have found peace.

I also believe that everything happens for a reason, I found ’Go Gratitude’ when my soul was ready to hear the message and not a second before. There are so many things that are life changing, some are a lot more pleasant than others. Fully participating in the Blooming Humans 42 Day Message Series by Stacey Robyn is certainly one of them. Both series have opened doors to miraculous new possibilities for me and brought positive changes into my life.

My mother is incapable of love and never told me that she loved me. I asked her about this when I was older and she blamed it on me because I had never told her that I loved her first! Then she blamed it on her parents. I feel sorry for her, because she believes that she cannot change, so it’s true for her and sadly, for many others too. But I know that’s not really the truth, it’s only a belief, it seems real to her but it’s still only what she believes. Everyone can change, and many people do. It really is a choice and the first step to changing bad behavior is recognizing it. When you recognize it, you can make the choice to change it even though it is not easy.

Of course, the last thing I ever wanted to be is like my mother, so I decided to be a better parent, anyway that was my goal. I hugged my children everyday and told them often that I loved them. Now I tell them every time I talk to them.

Birthing a new reality, I am a Blooming Human! I am Marsha!

Be Love

Monday, April 25, 2011

Just for today …
Be Love.
Nothing more,
Nothing less …
For Love is All that IS.
~ Day 35 Be Love, Stacey Robyn

Life is full of choices. Suffering is a choice, as is joy. We are here as masters, not as victims, even though it may not seem that way sometimes. It’s important to remember, especially when bad things happens, that being a victim is a choice. So choose to be the Master that you truly are. Can it really be this simple?

Do you realize that choosing to be Love each day is a choice? Perhaps it’s just a human trait, but it seems we try to make things harder than they have to be. Why is that? I have to wonder is there someone or something out there trying to keep us all locked in the dark. Perhaps it’s the age old battle between Good and Evil, Right or Wrong, Heaven and Hell, etc. No matter what you call it, it is a war. And the only way to win is to make the choice, to be Love. So choose today to be the Master that you are.

What if everyone in the world made the choice to be Love, or to be Kind, there would be no more war, no more murders, no more rapes… I can certainly imagine that it would be amazing. There of course would still be sickness, suffering, accidents, and we all know there is no escaping death, but maybe if people where not motivated by money and greed, then drugs and medical treatments would be available to everyone, even those who can’t pay or don’t have insurance. I will never understand how people can make the choice to be so evil, I cannot fathom it, not in my wildest dreams.

So from this day forward, I choose to walk my healing path of gratitude in love and light and BE the Master that I am!

Always choosing to be Love, and transforming my world, I am Marsha!

“Everything we do or say has the potential to affect the whole;
imagine how powerful that is.” ~DailyOM

Garden of Gratitude

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mistress Mary, Quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, And cockle shells,
And so my garden grows.
~ Tommy Thumb’s Pretty Song Book (c. 1744)

It seems a strange coincidence that as I write this blog today, Jack and The Beanstalk is on the television. Hmmm… maybe I should call it synchronicity! After all there are no coincidences. A beanstalk grows from five magic beans . . . fascinating! A Tree of Love has grown from my Dream Seeds planted in my heart . . . magical!

As my heart seeds bloom, my thoughts turn towards the first garden, the Garden of Eden. I realize that without the Original Sin, or Original Blessing as the case might be, I would not know anything but paradise. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? And isn’t it what we are all trying to attain? Well most of us. So, without the “Knowledge of Good and Evil”, how would I know the difference between right and wrong or Heaven or Hell?

When I had an out of body experience, I experienced pure ecstasy. If I lived only in paradise, I would never have understood what that even was. I could not enjoy living in paradise without this knowledge. It was inevitable, even predestined that those of us who chose to incarnate here on earth would experience good and evil. Difficult though I know it is, filled with pain, despair, suffering, but also so much joy and love! What wonderful lessons I have learned here in “Earth School!” With more to come, I’m sure, since my time here is not yet finished.

As so my Dream Seeds have grown into a Tree of Love in the Garden of Illuminated Hearts. Oh, what joy and bliss, lies within this garden, and so I choose to live the rest of my days here, exploring and continuing to grow, allowing the flame within my heart to illuminate my path. With each breath, and each step of my journey, gratitude fills my soul with bliss.

With guidance, clarity and inspiration, I am Marsha!

Tree of Love

Monday, April 18, 2011

“I can feel it in my fingers
I can feel it in my toes
Love is all around me
And the feeling grows.
It’s written on the wind
It’s everywhere I go”

~ Love Is All Around

It’s different this time. I feel so different, almost as if I have been born anew. Perhaps I have been, after all, I have chosen to participate in the Blooming Human 42 Day series. I have a new outlook on life, and of course, my writing has changed. I see such a big difference between now and my first blog, which was written when I was in the depths of the darkness of depression.

Now I am writing when I am inspired to do so, and not because I am making myself write everyday. I learned to live Gratitude and to be Gratitude. Now I feel as if I am becoming love, not only that, but I have become love. And it feels amazing, I’m not completely sure how to describe it, it is so much more than love and I cannot seem to find the right words. It’s a feeling, a new way of being. It’s become a part of me now. My path of healing and gratitude has evolved.

My dream seeds are blooming… I have become a tree of love, reaching to the heavens and deep in the heart of the earth, connecting heart to heart with the Divine Oneness of the universe and beyond. Infinite possibilities are flowering, becoming reality, one breath at a time. I have found the stillness of All that Is deep within my soul and I have received a miraculous gift. Not only peace and joy, but the realization of what I have always been, LOVE!

Writing from the heart with love, I am Marsha!

Into Love's Furnace I am Cast

The tree of love its roots hath spread
Deep in my heart, and rears its head;
Rich are its fruits: they joy dispense;
Transport the heart, and ravish sense.
In love's sweet swoon to thee I cleave,
Bless'd source of love . . .

- St. Francis of Asissi

The Great Give Away

Friday, April 15, 2011

I love the title today. What if everyone just gave away love to everyone they meet today. It could be as simple as a heart felt smile, or another little thing such as opening a door, allowing someone to go ahead of you, leaving a coin in the change return slot for someone to find, paying for the person behind you in the coffee shop… Well I could go on, but I won’t.
I know you can imagine it, all the little things quickly add up and as each person pays it forward, the love and kindness continues to grow and grow at the speed of love. Just think, wouldn't it be amazing? And don’t you think the picture helps to imagine the love flowing in and out, to every living thing, all around the world and beyond? If we all lived like this everyday, the world could soon become such a wonderful place. Shouldn't giving love to others and showing kindness be as simple as breathing, inhaling and exhaling? You don’t have to think about breathing for it to occur, it’s automatic. And that’s the way I imagine that love should be, not only for me but for everyone.

The world could certainly learn some lessons from the kindness being demonstrated by the Japanese people in the wake of the recent devastation. There’s no looting, that says so much to me. In fact, there are volunteers sorting through the debris looking for lost treasures, photos, toys, memories, before everything is cleared away. The items found will hopefully find their way to their owners, families and friends. A triumph of human spirit for sure, and something that would have been so hard to imagine such a short time ago. They are teaching me so much more than they will ever know. I am keeping these wonderful souls, in my thoughts and prayers.
Today, I choose to walk in kindness, I am love, I am Marsha!

"When we give, we simply make room for more to come in. When we become deeply, authentically generous, it signals to our abundant universe that there is a conduit open to receive and distribute. We become part of the vital natural system."
~Lenedra J. Caroll

Actualizing Gratitude

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Many years ago before I began my spiritual journey, I thought the only one who could protect me was God, and I am sure this was so at the time. When I was afraid, I would repeat the Lord’s Prayer over and over and over. Did this work? I believe it did, because I know in my heart there is a lot of power in prayers.

I first learned how to surround myself with White Light to protect myself. This eventually turned into mirrors, so the negativity would be reflected back to the sender. This would usually put a stop rather quickly to the unwanted energy. I became so good at blocking the negative energy that I was not allowing good energy to penetrate my protective box. It was as if I was in a coffin, I was safe and comfortable but desperately alone in my own little world. I was not allowing in any Light so I slowly learned to change my protection methods because there must be a balance. Just as plants need light so do I, because without it I could never grow.

One day I began transforming the negative energy into positive energy and only returned Light to the sender. There is an unbelievable amount of evil in this world, and since I am sensitive to being overwhelmed by it, I have learned to shut it out. It is a matter of survival for me. One of the hardest things I have ever done is to breathe in the darkness, transforming it and breathing out Light. I can only do this for a few minutes at a time. I believe every little helps, so I continue… Another method, and easier I might add, is to simply channel it down into the center of earth where it is destroyed by the molten core or send it to the Sun where it’s burnt up.

And so my journey of Light continues, as I open my heart and soul to the Divine Light, ever onward, and growing as I go with the flow. Always changing and re-arranging energy, allowing many transitions happening at the speed of love in perfect unison for my soul.

With blossoming dreams and an open heart, I am Marsha!

The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.

Divine Union

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

With my dream seeds planted, not only am I a blooming human, I am becoming a Tree of Love. My branches are reaching for the light, while my roots reach into the darkness of the earth, expanding, thriving, and blooming in a balance of night and day. And there must always be a balance, between good and evil, light and dark… I am creating from my heart center a perfectly balanced Divine union in oneness, as I merge with the great being-ness.

For many years when I thought of success, I thought of being rich. And when I thought of ambition I also thought in the terms of money. But I no longer think that way. I have come to learn that it’s the treasures you store in your heart and not the bank that are important. I could never be rich anyway because I would give it to those who need it more than me. My ambition now is to help as many people as I can, by praying for them and to continue sending healing to every living being and to our mother earth. I will continue blessing the water of the earth for as long as I live. I will endeavor to raise my vibration to the highest possible level to channel as much light and love as I can for as long as I am alive and beyond...

With flowering visions and dreams, I am Marsha!

A new platform of reality is being constructed for our human family and our beloved planet earth. We are the creators of this platform based on our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Humanity is being asked to take this next evolutionary leap in conscious choice necessary to accelerate our personal and planetary evolution.

Because flow and alignment with truth can only be sustained by being an open conduit for our Creator/Source, we must recover our resonance with our true Divine Nature. The truth of the natural order of creation has been distorted over time.

Balance is being restored within us and our connection to all life. Every life is important. We are entering the time of a new and extraordinary opportunity for humanity and our planet earth. By re-balancing your connection with the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects of creation, you begin to express your authentic miraculous self more precisely.

Flow and alignment become the natural experience of life and struggle is released. This is something that has always been available to you. As fear and doubt and resistance and misunderstanding give way to understanding, trust and love, we become a means by which our natural state is the expression of Unconditional Love. The natural progression is then to a peaceful, cooperative and loving world… the world becomes a better place.

~ Donna Aazura


Monday, April 11, 2011

I have been using ‘Gratitude’ as part of each title in this series of blogs, but today is doesn’t seem right to say ‘Bee-coming Gratitude’ after all I am Gratitude! It has become an integral part of my life already.

I am bee-coming a blooming human, certainly, my dream seeds are bee-coming … As my soul calls for transformation, I am bee-coming the river that flows into the ocean, the waves caressing the shores of the new reality coming into this world. I am thankful for this opportunity, all that is no longer needed is falling away, allowing me to be reborn. I am not sure where my journey will take me, but I have the courage to let go of the shore.

I am living in the present and allowing the darkness that no longer serves me to fall away, so that brighter, clearer Light can replace it. Everything is choice… I chose to live at this time, and I am choosing to set new intentions and make energetic connections that resonate with my soul. And the most important thing I choose to do, is to never stop learning and growing.

With increasing light and an ever-evolving soul, I am Marsha!

"For all who are stepping forth into the field of oneness, there is a clarion call sounding. This call is of the heart, a wave of inspiration set forth to reverberate thru the new planetary grid structure and one that will give us the green light to create new openings, opportunities and connections with others of like-mind and heart. 

I am told that this group of wayshowers are those who will "bring forth the blueprints of the celestial kingdom for the creation of a new planet, a new way of being and a new system of stewardship."

This is the year that we have the opportunity to co-create physically build something better, more sustainable and with the intention of the highest good for all. This is the moment where we apply our VISIONary leadership skills and share our inspired ideas with others.

There are those already well-versed in these new creations… which will be guided heavily by sacred geometry and the electro-magnetic vortices which align all major power-centers to create the ascendant grid structure for the physical planet… and those with this sacred knowledge will be stepping forth to offer their knowledge to those who require it.

"We are so looking forward to seeing your physical creations take form, the building of a new world based on the needs of the people & the planetary body as a whole."

~ Lauren C. Gorgo

Unifying Gratitude

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dream seeds awaken:
Tears caress the still waters -
Human hearts bloom.
~ I am Marsha

A few days ago, I wrote a Haiku as part of the Blooming Humans 42 Day Experience: Dream Seeding a New Reality! Yesterday I found ‘Haiku For Japan’ at It’s a Haiku for Japan poetry share and contest. So, I decided to write another Haiku poem because I enjoyed writing the first one so much!

It’s such a magical experience trying to put light, love, blessings, prayers and more into 17 syllables and 3 lines. It is also not as easy as it looks! I spent hours working on it and I just couldn’t get it right. Or at least it didn’t feel right to me. So as I lay in bed just before I fell asleep, it came to me. I didn’t want to get up and write it down, so I kept repeating it over and over until I fell asleep. Tonight I will have a pencil and paper by my bed side just in case I have another flash of Haiku, or insight, as the case might be.

I never really understood Haiku but now that I have an inkling of what it’s all about I am enamored. It’s beautiful as well as captivating and I hope to be inspired to write more.

Always with enchantment, and a blooming heart, I am Marsha!

"What we do goes far beyond suggestion or the projections of traditional spirituality. Life is a song, an arrangement from the Sacred Parents, who expect us to continue singing in harmony with All Our Relations. For this we develop our gifts to be used for the harmonious well being of all the levels of vibrational evolution."

- Grandfather Juan Ten Bears Yraceburu, aka Apache Juan

Enchanting Gratitude

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My dream story continues...yes I did as I said yesterday. I set my intention to dream about my dream seeds before I drifted off to sleep and I had a very strange and memorable dream.

I dreamed that I was in another woman’s body and she was in mine. I was tall and thin with curly reddish-brown hair. As I looked in the mirror I thought I don’t want to be this woman, because she is ugly, even though she was loved by everyone, and had so many friends. She had so much energy and was running and doing so much in my body. I tried to caution her about the restrictions of movement required by my hip replacement, but she wouldn’t listen. I was so afraid she would hurt my body and I wanted it back. And of course, I had it back when I woke up!

I believe this dream had so many messages for me. She was everything I am not and more...many things I have always wanted to be. So, here I was in this body with my introverted personality. I was the same person, I only looked different...which tells me it doesn’t matter what you look like, it’s what’s inside that counts. And most importantly, no matter what you look like, you can be happy anyway. Youth and beauty fade away, it is the treasures you store in your heart that are most important; and after all, it is the only thing you can take with you when you leave this world. Perhaps the most important message of all, is that it’s not too late to realize my dreams! Ah, I am truly a blooming human.

With gratitude and a flowering heart, I am Marsha!


There you are and always were
Precious seed of gratitude

Covered for a time by illusions, delusions, detractions
And yet laying there always in fertile soil of the heart

Awaiting the heart’s eyes to wake up and see
The reality of all to see truth ~ to believe

And now joy begins as gratitude grows
Spreading to all creation like seeds of a dandelion
Spreading like wildfire cleansing the land
Infection each soul with precious gratitude

~ Regina Collins

Flow-ering Gratitude

I never used to snore, but my husband says I do now. It seems kind of crazy. Makes me wonder why. He told me that he was surprised that it didn’t wake me up. Well, the other night I dreamed I was snoring. And I remember thinking I didn’t want to quit snoring because it felt good. So, I guess it did wake me up, But he was sound asleep, and of course I did not tell him!

Of course, I do know that’s not what the message is about, ‘Day 26 - Flow-ering Dreams, but this is what came to mind as I read the title. So that’s what I chose to wrote about. Tonight, I think I will set my intention as I enter the castle within to dream about the Dream Seeds in my Heart and Birthing my New Reality just to see what happens… and so the story continues!

With Flow-ering Dreams of Gratitude, I am Marsha!

I Dream with Powerful Intention

Opening my mind to Spirit, I trust my intuition to deliver powerful visions of my inspired future, and I empower my intent to transform those visions into reality.

- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Flow-er of Gratitude

Friday, April 8, 2011

As I have mentioned previously I have been placing a lot of pressure on myself and I was not making much progress. So I had to take a step back from the subject I was trying so hard to learn. But before I could get back to learning to use the advanced techniques available in WordPress, I got sick. Then I wasn’t able to keep up with my daily blogs.

After about a week and a half, it moved down into my lungs and I was having trouble breathing, so I had to go to the doctor yesterday. Today with prednisone and antibiotics I am feeling better. I still have a lot of congestion in my lungs but I am sure I will soon be back to my studies. I really do think that when I do begin again, I will not be so stressed about it, and I know things will go a lot smoother.

This happens to my daughter too, it seems like every time she has too many commitments and has overextended herself she gets sick. My husband struggles with his addiction to nicotine and he is forced once again to quit smoking when he gets a severe case of bronchitis. And yet he keeps smoking and then quitting. Ah, so many lessons to learn… we are all ‘Cosmic Flow-er’s of Love, Blooming in the Garden of Illuminated Hearts.’

In sickness and in health, always with gratitude, I am Marsha

"Sit down in meditation, Dear Ones. Deepen this knowing, this oneness with all life, with your brothers and sisters, with mother earth, and above all, with your Divine God Self within you. Sit down in meditation and place your consciousness within the center of your Sacred Heart and allow the expansion, to open your heart as a flower.

You may visualize this expansiveness as the opening of the many petals of a lotus blossom, a rose, any flower which ignites your visualization, and provides this expansion for you.
As you expand upon the love of your Sacred Heart, breathe deeply and visualize the Flower of Life symbol. Sacred geometry ignites fire letters and key codes, symbols which assist you in making the transition to your crystalline light body of the fifth dimension.

Sacred geometry will assist you in activating your Merkiva, your light body which will be your vehicle for travel in the fifth dimension. As you breathe and meditate upon the opening and the expansion of the sacred flower in your heart, allow the transition to the symbol of the Flower of Life.

Allow the Flower of Life symbol to overlay your Sacred Heart, to overlay the flower you have opened. Feel the expansion. Allow the activation of the Flower of Life to integrate into the love of your Sacred Heart."

 ~ Michelle Coutant

Rays of Gratitude

When I look at this picture it reminds me of a time during a moment of despair from the depths of depression, I so hated myself that I wanted to die. So, as I lay in bed before I fell asleep, I imagined I was being stabbed in the chest with imaginary swords, similar to the one in today’s picture.

When I woke up in the morning my chest hurt so much. It was kind of scary, but I learned how powerful the mind is and what thoughts can do. Well, I never did that again, and I had a renewed belief in the power of distant healing. It was a turning point that changed my life. I began to learn about not polluting the world with negative thoughts because as Mike Dooley says, “Thoughts become things… choose the good ones!”

With rays of golden light and morphing dreams, I am Marsha!

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart, this you will build your life by, and this you will become. ~ Anonymous

Branching Gratitude

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I grew up in the mountains of Colorado. I have always loved trees. We had a lot of pine trees around our house and I used to climb them. I will never forget the smell of the pine in the air. I was a tree-hugger before I even know what it meant.

As I learned about energy and began sensing it with my hands, I also began feeling the energy of trees. Their energy is amazing and so very different from each other. It seems as if each tree has it’s own personality.

When I first learned about ‘grounding’ I imagined myself as a tree, with my branches reaching to the Heavens and my roots anchoring deep within the ground. I found that when I touched a tree it was quick and easy to ground by following its roots deep into the ground.

Now I am fascinated by trees, I love looking at them and taking pictures of them, especially in winter when they have shed their coats of leaves. They are naked in winter, while humans, put on their coats to keep warm, and in summer they are wearing their ‘clothes of leaves,’ while we show more skin. Interesting...

With branching possibilities, I am Marsha

"The cosmic way of thinking is awaken in the world of the Enchanted Flower, for human beings recognize her-his-self as an entity of a higher order, the divine order, where all is a big family, for the worlds are part of the one as one is part of the all, all is a beautiful orchestra happening with completely divine order, in a perfect harmony.

In this beautiful world where the true human being have always been, all is bonding into one, for it is the one that unfolded, the one that understands where you have always been, for you are being integrated into a higher version of your own self.

There is one single language, that resides in the outside as well in the inside, for communication happens in a very direct form, there is no filters that create a process, it is a communication that is unfolding instantaneously, and is happening with everything that exist, at the same time, for time equals zero, love is the energy that connects in the purity of the essence, and the connection is the way of living.

In the world of the Enchanted Flower, there (are) no separations of the chakras, no divisions between conscious and subconscious, no separation of mind, body emotions, spaces or dimensions, for all the dimensions are contained in the one. This means that there is no world separated.
It means that there are worlds inside of a worlds inside of a worlds, all is completely integrated, all is one, for through the essence of all vibrations communication is taking place, for the root of the tree of life has always been one, for the one is contained in the whole as the whole is contained in the one."

~Magdala Ramirez

Cherished Gratitude

Monday, April 4, 2011

I really do cherish all my experiences, and even though it has been a difficult path to walk, I still wouldn’t change anything. I have to ask, “Would I be a better person if my life had been easier?” All I can say is no, I think I would be shallow and certainly less compassionate.

I also wonder, what would it have been like to have a wonderful mother who actually loved me? I have never been close to her and I will never be. I always thought I would never be like her and so I tried to do everything better, at least differently. But when I look in the mirror I see the resemblance and I so hate it.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

So, why is it that most women, especially me, are so traumatized by the thought of becoming their mothers, when men don’t seem to mind being like their fathers? Inquiring minds what to know. It just doesn’t seem fair.
Always with sonic blooms in my heart, I am Marsha!

"Another way to think about intention is that intention is a guiding principle or purpose that leads the way, helps you clarify choices and, if done right, PULLS you in it's direction. When you know what your intention is, or WHY you do what you do, you now have a filter which to pass all decisions, choices and actions through.

If you come to a crossroads and don't know the best choice to make, remember your intention and it will become obvious what you should do.

The beautiful thing about having an intention is that it gives all the energy in your life a point of focus to gather around. Energy is free flowing until it is given a focus. It's well known that where attention goes, energy flows. Think of intention as a constant rallying point and place of focus.

For example, if your intention is to be of service and spread love, like mine is, when you meet challenging situations the question you ask yourself is, "in this moment, how can I be of service and spread love?" Asking this question will help you respond to your circumstances instead of react to them. And in doing so you will continue to create and manifest the life of your intention."

~ Mastin Kipp

Haiku Gratitude

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dream Seeds root and shoot;
buds forming, drinking Love’s Light;
nascent Life grows on.
~Blooming Human’s Day 21

I think Haiku is beautiful to read. I didn’t think I could ever write it because I’ve never really been into poetry. I do have few favorite poems though. Write it? No I don’t think so...but never the less, with Stacey’s prompting, I created one today. I am amazed, I didn’t think I could do it.

A Blooming Human,
a Divine seed bursting through
to a new reality.
~ Marsha!

Many people have posted their Haiku on the Blooming Human’s facebook page and they are beautiful creations. I really enjoyed reading them. I know how much meaning they have to each person who wrote them because I can feel the power of all the dream seeds in each persons heart.

Bringing my Dream Seeds to Light, I am Marsha!

"Haiku is about inter-being. The word "interbeing" originated with the Vietnamese Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh. It means: everything is in everything else. We experience this reality through mindfulness, through Being in the Here and Now. One life-energy is permeating everything.

Haiku means letting this energy/life/reality write itself.

Or, to put it simply: A haiku records an immediate experience of life. Haiku writing is sometimes called a way of life, rather than an art. It could also be described as a way of seeing, listening, being.

Because haiku writing is rooted in experience, the best time to compose a haiku poem is right after the event. But the experience comes first! Only afterwards, when it is recalled, as vividly as possible, we can put it into words that convey, as directly as possible, what happened."

~ The Haiku Path

Truthful Gratitude

“You laugh at me because I am different, I laugh at you because you are all the same.” ~ Jonathan Davis

I have always been different, ‘special’, unique, etc. No matter what you call it, it’s a difficult burden to carry. As a child, I was made fun of, called various names, and didn’t have many friends. The only thing I ever wanted was to be like everyone else but alas that can never be.

I know from my own life how difficult it is to watch a beautiful person achieve success so easily with everything just falling into place. And I want to be that person too. Why am I not? I see how some people must struggle and fight so hard for the littlest things. Why is that? I often ask, what am I doing wrong? What’s wrong with me?

I was so painfully shy most of my life and I still struggle to overcome it. I also know that my path must be one of communication, so if all I accomplish is my own personal healing from my writing then I am a success. My experience has made me sensitive, caring, and understanding. It makes it easier to be kind to people, because I know the pain they feel. I am not bitter, I am thankful for the person I am today. I have come to realize that normal is highly overrated, and besides I’m not even sure there is such a thing as normal.

Perhaps my purpose is not to be one of the beautiful people but in fact, my purpose is to help those beautiful people achieve their full potential! Another aha moment! Hallelujah! I have found my truth…

With blooming gratitude, kindness, and compassion, I am Marsha!

'Finding the Small, Still Voice Within'

"Daily practice and hindsight vision will convince you of the accuracy of the answers that comes through when you tune inward. Check the results of your decisions when you have followed the advice of the Inner Voice. Keep track of the wisdom and changes that it brings into your life.

As your confidence builds, you will find yourself turning to your inner guidance more and more for important decisions. Your conscious mind will become more in tune with the inner self so that you need not ask on small matters. Your intuition will develop more so that decisions are made with conscious mind and Inner Wisdom working together.

You will experience less conflict in your life as you have a means of always knowing what is right and correct for you.
As you learn to recognize the genuine authority of your Inner Wisdom, you will realize the power that you hold is within your own being. Daily practice seeking your own truth instead of relying on others helps validate the guidance that you are being given.

Trust in the process of seeking within grows as a tenure of your experience. Once you are certain of the validation of the voice that you hear as being consistent for your growth and well being, the process becomes an automatic part of your spiritual practice."

~ Lynn Namka

Hearing Gratitude

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I have filled my heart with gratitude, and fanned the fire of my heart flame and now I am nurturing the Dream Seeds within my heart. I have ridden the waves of gratitude and now I hear a new reality calling to me. I fully embrace this opportunity to jump in and ride the flow as I birth a new reality. Oh yes, change has indeed come.

I live in a time filled with coincidences and synchronicity, and the answers to my questions appear out of nowhere. I’m not sure where all of this will take me, but I have no fear, only courage, as I follow my heart to fulfill a greater purpose.

I have heard the call of gratitude, and I will continue streaming love and light through my heart into the world and beyond. I walk a healing path which allows me to birth a new reality filled with love, light and gratitude. And it all begins with one small step, one act of kindness...

In gratitude, I am Marsha!

“Truth allows you to live every day with integrity. Everything you do and say shows the world who you really are—let it be the truth.” ~ Oprah

Intentional Gratitude

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I experienced miraculous changes during my 42 days of ‘Go Gratitude’ which later evolved into ‘World Gratitude.’ Now Stacey Robyn is part of the ‘Blooming Humans Ground Crew,’ so I am choosing to write another series of blogs for 42 days. How could I not? Stacey is my ray of sunshine, my inspiration! I am so very thankful that I have planted my Dream Seeds and it’s time to fulfill my dreams in Birthing a New Reality. I know deep inside my soul, I have been preparing, each day of my life, for what is unfolding now. So, here we grow again, Beloveds.

"What we think, we become. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." ~ The Buddha

For many years now I have wanted to be a webmaster, creating, designing and developing websites. Then recently my daughter had someone create a site for her using WordPress. I thought kewl! Learning how to use WordPress became my new favorite pastime, which I had expected to be relatively easy to learn and of course lots of fun. I am sad to say I have been so disappointed, because it is neither. It has become a painful drudgery, ah another lesson to learn. Some dreams die hard. But maybe, I am supposed to create my own websites and not sites for others. So, I haven’t totally give up, I have just decided to take another step back and try another approach.

I know this is a time of great growth for me spiritually, and that also means profound change and transformation not only for me, but the world as well. I will continue to envision an emerging world of Peace and Illumination.

In gratitude I go...and grow! I am Marsha!

“Gratitude is an essential facet of love that opens you to redefine your purpose as a supportive extension of the Divine, rather than the whimsical outreach of fate or the exacting reaction of a mechanical, detached universe.”

~ From 'Principles of Personal Transformation' by wingmakers

Blooming Gratitude

HeART Peace by Frattali

Everything begins with one small seed, one small step, one small idea in the blink of an eye. So what if just for today, everyone showed kindness to others, and they in turn showed kindness and so on and so on… An most importantly, what if we started ‘killing’ everyone with ‘kindness’ instead of ‘war’… What would happen? Wouldn’t it be amazing? The whole world would change and be a better place, a place filled with kindness. Perhaps something as simple as a smile or a thank you, or even a hello. Just imagine it! Can you? I can and it could begin with one simple act of kindness.

“Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
~ Mark Twain

I can see that each day is bringing subtle changes, shifts and growth in my life. I know my Dream Seeds are growing stronger with each breath I take, Divine Light is flowing with grace into my heart, body and soul healing, and removing the veils of time. I am thankful for the love in my heart, for each breath of gratitude I take and for each step I take as I birth my new reality!

Filling my heart with love, kindness, and gratitude! I am Marsha!

I am blossoming in Spirit's time.  Knowing this, I turn to my inner flowering securely. Within the environment of my own heart, I enjoy the sunlight of safety, the warmth of harmony, the strength of right companions.

Focused on the reality that Spirit is my constant companion, I remember to be comforted by the continuity of my blessings. Grounded in the safety of divine presence, I am able to breathe deeply, pause in my striving, and notice the unfolding of one gift into another.

My life is evolutionary and revolutionary. My attitude of openness, expectation, and observation yields me a sense of abundance.

~ From Julia Cameron's, Blessings

Source of Gratitude

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Blessing Seed
What if...what we have been told about the Trinity is not in fact true, but each element, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost is only symbolic. Well I guess it is sort of true, but only because each embodies that which is the Trinity within your soul, Knowledge, Truth and Power. This is the true nature of the Divine and can only be understood by entering the inner Castle that is your soul and being alone with God.

I now know, I see things differently than most people, so to say this is probably an understatement. It’s only Day 16 and it seems to me that the spiritual transformation I am making is going to be much more dramatic than what occured during the '9th and Final Wave of Go Gratitude.' I am in awe as I begin the process of 'Birthing a New Reality!'

With an ever-evolving illuminated heart, I am Marsha!

The seeds of Reunion are sprouting everywhere. That which was hidden for millennia is coming to light. Soon, fertilized by the detritus of our decaying civilization, the sprouts will mature, bloom, and bear fruit. Our job is first to receive them, then to spread them everywhere and to guard and foster them with every ounce of our love.

~ The Three Seeds, by Charles Eisenstein

(K)new Gratitude

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Last night I was listening to the 9th CD in the series “Entering the Castle” by Caroline Myss. She said that there are very few people who pray for the earth and all the people, for an end to war, hunger and starvation. Please tell me this isn’t so. I have done this for so long I can’t even remember not doing so. I cannot be the only person who prays for the highest good. This is just seems natural to me and I thought everyone did. So I asked my husband and he said he did not. Wow, talk about an eye opener!

Recently I started blessing the water I use and not only that, I blessed all the water in the pipes in my apartment building… When I worked at NSU I asked angels to perform healings on everyone who entered the building I worked in everyday. Every time I hear a siren I pray for those helping and those needing help. There must be others somewhere who also do things like this. Isn’t there? Please tell me there is. I can’t be the only one. I guess I may not know who they are, but I know in my heart of hearts there are others out there sharing their light with world, holding the Light, making it a better place for everyone.

And now I believe more than ever, I must increase my light to help heal the world. I will continue living in gratitude, and sharing my light with the world as I have always done. The is my purpose, I know because I can feel it in my soul, and it has always been my purpose and will continue to be so now and forever.

I am Marsha!

Now crisis is vital to evolution for newness to emerge, and failure is important to prevent the repeat of past mistakes. We are currently in the midst of a transition from a system based on power and control to a system that is inherently emergent and creative. I think this shift needs to be made through the synergistic convergence of the creative and emergent aspects happening in our culture right now.  We need to connect the positive elements in a creative and nonlinear way through novel interactions, just like we are doing in this conversation.

~ Barbara Marx Hubbard

Love, Light, Gratitude


The flame within my heart illuminates the healing path that I now walk with gratitude and love. For many years now I have been using “In light and love” as my closing in emails. Then during my 42 days of writing in the 9th and Final Wave of Gratitude, I added “gratitude.” It has always felt right for me to do so, but it was only just now as I wrote the first sentence of this blog that I knew why.
I found the flame in my heart about a year and a half ago when I was listening to one of the meditations in Channeling Grace by Carolyn Myss. It was a time when I was lost in the depths of darkness that can only comes from depression. It was a turning point. I could feel the small flame in my heart, I could see and most importantly, I knew it was there. I kept it burning and allowed it to grow, lighting my path until I could pull myself out of the dark pit of depression.
It’s strange how things happen sometimes, but that’s what keeps it interesting. And besides, I love these aha moments! I’m sure that this is how it was supposed to happen, everything I have experienced in my life has perfectly prepared me for this moment, just as it’s supposed to be.

Always with gratitude and a flame in my heart, I am Marsha!



Creator said...
split me in four and I am the Children
of the Four Directions come together again.
This brings us together;
we are one again.
~ Apache prophecy.
Maria Yraceburu, Hopiland 2007 ~ On prophecy, The
Power of Love, and the Coming Together of the Children
of the Four Directions:

Loving Gratitude

Saturday, March 26, 2011

In this moment, I choose to be love. This is like being Reiki, once you learn Reiki, you cannot help but be Reiki. So I choose to be love, today, tomorrow and for all the days in my life. And so I choose to birth a new reality, allowing that which no longer serves me to fall away as the spent leaves fall from the trees in Autumn.

I find that I am often touching something hot and burning my fingers, hands, and wrists. My most recent self-inflicted injury was on the top of my hand as I reached in to remove the pan from under the grill. The reason I mention this is because yesterday I had a flash of genius, a light turned on...and it finally occurred to me that if I starting wearing the oven mitts that this would solve my problem. But it would do nothing to help my prior injury unless I also wear them when I’m draining pasta! Ahhh! Live and learn, bloom and grow…

And so I grow, in gratitude, I am Marsha!

~ The Door of Everything
"Your sacred seed, your spark of life,
awaits only the cooperation of your totally still heart center.
When you have extended this cooperation,
the sacred seed will begin to grow,
to fulfill its cosmic pattern as the human hull falls away
and allows the holymetamorphosis to be completed."