One In Oneness

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Changes can occur in an instant but it takes so much longer for my mind to accept it. Change, my constant companion, has always been difficult for me. I am also not good with surprises or last minute adventures. On the other hand, I love miracles, flashes of insight and ah-ha moments!

For the longest time, I have believed that change was the only thing I could count on, but I have come to realize that I can trust the peace and stillness deep within my soul, in my castle. I know that only love is real. In my world of illusion, it often takes time for my mind to develop the willingness to accept change. But now I wonder, could it be that change is an illusion?

A few years ago I had an out of body experience. I believe it only lasted a few seconds, but I learned so much during such a short time, I realized that time had passed differently for me during the time I was floating out of my body. Along with change, time is another illusion in the world of matter.

Even though I realize that this world is only an illusion, and it seems silly to get upset about something someone says or does, or even to get frustrated with my computer, I’m sure that when little things like this happen, I will have to remind myself that it’s not real. This concept is huge for me, because I know from my past experience that I have extreme difficulty expressing anger toward others. I tend to hold in it, and repressed anger turns into depression.

I also know from my own experience that it’s not always that easy for me to change my beliefs, it’s a process that takes time. So, here I go, one breath, one heartbeat, one step at a time, allowing my Tree of Love to thrive in the Garden of Illuminated Hearts...

One Heart, One World, One Love, I am Marsha!

"The relationship between our quest for divine purpose and our capacity to love is tangible. As we open the gateway to our heart, our callings step on through, revealing themselves a little bit more with every deepening.

As we infuse our lives with loving-kindness, we enliven our path, granting ourselves the energy we need to see our Godly purpose all the way through to completion. Love is God in her most clarified forms."

~ Jeff Brown (Soulshaping)

Be Member

Friday, April 29, 2011

We live in a world of illusion, where the ego is queen or king as the case might be, but this can change and is changing for many of us. I have learned not to listen to the negative thoughts of the ego and the fear it creates, usually or at least I am trying. I know that it’s not real, and only Love is real.

I have stopped criticizing myself so harshly, putting my self down, and beating myself up. I remember years ago reading self help books telling me to ‘Love Myself.’ I could never really understand how to do this or even how it would help, but somehow over the years I have come to love myself even though I thought I never could.

I am open to new ways of perceiving the world and a knew Be-Leaf System is appearing for me. So many of the things that I thought were important are not because I have learned that anything that is not an extension of love is meaningless. I have found the peace and beauty in the silence and stillness within, the Divine Light burning in my heart.

So, just for today… I BE-member I am Love, awakening to my True Divine Nature - LOVE, integrating truth, dissolving all layers of illusion and separation, shifting into a deeper resonance and connection with ALL that is.

Awakening to my True Divine Nature - LOVE, I am Marsha!

The Essential Self, Cultivating the Sacred Feminine

“As we become more aligned with the essence of our true nature that is love we more readily accept our selves and others as they are. Coming from this loving place opens our hearts in mutual compassion and stimulates the innate potential for healing in ourselves and in our relationships.

Love is not a verb, it is a noun because it is energetic stuff we are made of that emanates from our core. It is what we experience when we return to our original state of being. We can see its quality in everything especially when we extend the love that we have for ourselves to others. Loving is not something we contemplate or intellectualize doing. It is actively holding the space of love by being present!"

~ Alisa Battaglia

In Gratitude We Grow

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Just for today …
Enter the castle of your soul,
The Sacred Space of your Heart
And be alone with God.

For me it’s important to have an open mind not only to receiving Divine Light but also to new ideas. So it’s especially important for me to release old beliefs and strive to find true understanding. This is also a choice, and I choose to be open. How can I learn anything if my mind is closed? There is so much knowledge out there, it is literally impossible to absorb it in one lifetime or even several. I know that I am only touching the surface, I am only seeing the tip of the iceberg. In fact, I have come to realize that I know nothing. Another ah-ah moment!

Today I am choosing to be open to feeling the real-ness of the IS-ness, wholly and completely in every facet of my BE-ing and to experience the Great-Full-Ness of life. I choose to continue releasing my judgments and false beliefs, and to be open to learning and receiving and of course, I will always continue asking questions.

There is so much more to life than how I perceive in to be. Even though we may all be one, we all have our own realities and since there are over 6 billion people alive on Earth today, that means there are over 6 billion different realities! Imagine that!

I am gratefully sharing a common vision and path, I am Marsha!

Gratefulness in the character is like fragrance in the flower. A person however learned and qualified in his life's work, in whom gratefulness is absent, is devoid of that beauty of character which makes the personality fragrant.

If we answer every little deed of kindness with appreciation, we develop in our nature the spirit of gratefulness; and by learning this we rise to that state where we begin to realize God's goodness toward us, and for this we can never be grateful enough to His/Her divine compassion.

The great Sufi poet Sa'di teaches gratefulness as being the means of attracting that favour, forgiveness, and mercy of God upon us in which is the salvation of our soul.

There is much in life that we can be grateful for, in spite of all the difficulties and troubles of life.  Sa'di says, "The sun and moon, and the rain and clouds, all are busy to prepare your food for you, and it is unfair indeed if you do not appreciate it in thanksgiving."

God's goodness is something one cannot learn to know at once; it takes time to understand it.  But little actions of kindness which we receive from those around us we can know, and we can be thankful if we want to be.  In this way man develops gratefulness in his nature, and expresses it in his thought, speech, and action as an exquisite form of beauty.

~ Inayat Khan

Intuitive Gratitude

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I believe one of the hardest lessons to learn is to live in the present. At first it’s so difficult, but as time goes on it becomes easier to be in the now. I have found in times of stress it’s so helpful and calming to take a moment to just listen to the stillness between my thoughts, and to be in the now.

My soul is ready and is calling out for transformation. Since 2011 is already bringing major transformation all around the world, it’s the perfect time for making changes. Change my constant companion, has not always been easy for me, but it is one thing I can always count on. As my energy shifts, it is becoming easier to release that which is no longer resonating with me, allowing it to fall away.

And speaking of allowing the old, dense energy to flow away and replacing it with a clearer more balanced expression of light… my old computer died. And thankfully I was able to replace it. I love my new laptop, even though I had to learn how to touch type with an Irish style keyboard, some of the keys are in different locations. It’s such a process getting all the software reinstalled and I have even had to purchase updates to make it work with Windows 7. I’m still working on it, but I am getting there, slowly but surely.

It’s only April and it seems like many major changes are occurring for me, and of course, all over the world, with more to come I’m sure. I feel that 2011 is only a prelude to what’s going to happen in 2012. I have always felt that I am here for the ‘transformation’ which I originally thought would be in 2000. But I wasn’t ready then, because I was still afraid of what the future would bring. My intuition tells me it is happening now, and I am at peace. Whatever is still with me at the end of 2012 is what is supposed to be here.

I am peace! I am Marsha!

“Explanations usually come along with intuitive messages on a ‘need to know basis.’ When the bigger, more important messages need to surface, they will, so pay attention! Listen with your heart. We know that the heart has many more neurons than it would need just for circulation of blood.

By following through on your everyday hunches, you are actually taking test drives, virtually honing in on your listening skills. These skills will serve you well. Everyone is apparently somewhat psychic, but many people just have flabby psychic muscles.

Learning to listen to your inner dialog tones and strengthens this muscle. The more you use your intuition the better you get at it. When we choose to ignore our gut instincts, we are only hurting ourselves. The holistic or wholistic movement is about healing this problem.

Listening to your intuition is the essence of art and creativity and soulful living. Intuition is what you use to find the purpose of your life and your place in the world. Once you awaken your inner guide by unlocking the wisdom of your subconscious mind, you already know what to do.”
~ AngelFire

In Oneness

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Just for today …
Breathe into your Heart
Knowing you are One Tree of Love,
Growing amongst many
In the Garden of Illuminated Hearts.
~ Stacey Robyn

I know within my heart and soul that we are all one and that the separation I feel is only an illusion. Have you ever been close enough to someone to feel their energy, their heat? If so, them you have touched their Grace, the Light of God within them. And so today I choose to see the Light of God within everyone. I know that if we could all do this, our world would be filled with love and joy and happiness! Imagine how the Angels would sing...

I believe there is Light within all religions, as well as darkness. This is but another balance of good and evil. And so I am all religions, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist… and I am none! I also know that this balance of Light and Dark exists within me, and I strive always to heal the darkness and learn and grow, filling my being with more and more Light. And I have found the Divine deep within my soul… I have found peace.

I also believe that everything happens for a reason, I found ’Go Gratitude’ when my soul was ready to hear the message and not a second before. There are so many things that are life changing, some are a lot more pleasant than others. Fully participating in the Blooming Humans 42 Day Message Series by Stacey Robyn is certainly one of them. Both series have opened doors to miraculous new possibilities for me and brought positive changes into my life.

My mother is incapable of love and never told me that she loved me. I asked her about this when I was older and she blamed it on me because I had never told her that I loved her first! Then she blamed it on her parents. I feel sorry for her, because she believes that she cannot change, so it’s true for her and sadly, for many others too. But I know that’s not really the truth, it’s only a belief, it seems real to her but it’s still only what she believes. Everyone can change, and many people do. It really is a choice and the first step to changing bad behavior is recognizing it. When you recognize it, you can make the choice to change it even though it is not easy.

Of course, the last thing I ever wanted to be is like my mother, so I decided to be a better parent, anyway that was my goal. I hugged my children everyday and told them often that I loved them. Now I tell them every time I talk to them.

Birthing a new reality, I am a Blooming Human! I am Marsha!

Be Love

Monday, April 25, 2011

Just for today …
Be Love.
Nothing more,
Nothing less …
For Love is All that IS.
~ Day 35 Be Love, Stacey Robyn

Life is full of choices. Suffering is a choice, as is joy. We are here as masters, not as victims, even though it may not seem that way sometimes. It’s important to remember, especially when bad things happens, that being a victim is a choice. So choose to be the Master that you truly are. Can it really be this simple?

Do you realize that choosing to be Love each day is a choice? Perhaps it’s just a human trait, but it seems we try to make things harder than they have to be. Why is that? I have to wonder is there someone or something out there trying to keep us all locked in the dark. Perhaps it’s the age old battle between Good and Evil, Right or Wrong, Heaven and Hell, etc. No matter what you call it, it is a war. And the only way to win is to make the choice, to be Love. So choose today to be the Master that you are.

What if everyone in the world made the choice to be Love, or to be Kind, there would be no more war, no more murders, no more rapes… I can certainly imagine that it would be amazing. There of course would still be sickness, suffering, accidents, and we all know there is no escaping death, but maybe if people where not motivated by money and greed, then drugs and medical treatments would be available to everyone, even those who can’t pay or don’t have insurance. I will never understand how people can make the choice to be so evil, I cannot fathom it, not in my wildest dreams.

So from this day forward, I choose to walk my healing path of gratitude in love and light and BE the Master that I am!

Always choosing to be Love, and transforming my world, I am Marsha!

“Everything we do or say has the potential to affect the whole;
imagine how powerful that is.” ~DailyOM