Garden of Gratitude

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mistress Mary, Quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, And cockle shells,
And so my garden grows.
~ Tommy Thumb’s Pretty Song Book (c. 1744)

It seems a strange coincidence that as I write this blog today, Jack and The Beanstalk is on the television. Hmmm… maybe I should call it synchronicity! After all there are no coincidences. A beanstalk grows from five magic beans . . . fascinating! A Tree of Love has grown from my Dream Seeds planted in my heart . . . magical!

As my heart seeds bloom, my thoughts turn towards the first garden, the Garden of Eden. I realize that without the Original Sin, or Original Blessing as the case might be, I would not know anything but paradise. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? And isn’t it what we are all trying to attain? Well most of us. So, without the “Knowledge of Good and Evil”, how would I know the difference between right and wrong or Heaven or Hell?

When I had an out of body experience, I experienced pure ecstasy. If I lived only in paradise, I would never have understood what that even was. I could not enjoy living in paradise without this knowledge. It was inevitable, even predestined that those of us who chose to incarnate here on earth would experience good and evil. Difficult though I know it is, filled with pain, despair, suffering, but also so much joy and love! What wonderful lessons I have learned here in “Earth School!” With more to come, I’m sure, since my time here is not yet finished.

As so my Dream Seeds have grown into a Tree of Love in the Garden of Illuminated Hearts. Oh, what joy and bliss, lies within this garden, and so I choose to live the rest of my days here, exploring and continuing to grow, allowing the flame within my heart to illuminate my path. With each breath, and each step of my journey, gratitude fills my soul with bliss.

With guidance, clarity and inspiration, I am Marsha!

Tree of Love

Monday, April 18, 2011

“I can feel it in my fingers
I can feel it in my toes
Love is all around me
And the feeling grows.
It’s written on the wind
It’s everywhere I go”

~ Love Is All Around

It’s different this time. I feel so different, almost as if I have been born anew. Perhaps I have been, after all, I have chosen to participate in the Blooming Human 42 Day series. I have a new outlook on life, and of course, my writing has changed. I see such a big difference between now and my first blog, which was written when I was in the depths of the darkness of depression.

Now I am writing when I am inspired to do so, and not because I am making myself write everyday. I learned to live Gratitude and to be Gratitude. Now I feel as if I am becoming love, not only that, but I have become love. And it feels amazing, I’m not completely sure how to describe it, it is so much more than love and I cannot seem to find the right words. It’s a feeling, a new way of being. It’s become a part of me now. My path of healing and gratitude has evolved.

My dream seeds are blooming… I have become a tree of love, reaching to the heavens and deep in the heart of the earth, connecting heart to heart with the Divine Oneness of the universe and beyond. Infinite possibilities are flowering, becoming reality, one breath at a time. I have found the stillness of All that Is deep within my soul and I have received a miraculous gift. Not only peace and joy, but the realization of what I have always been, LOVE!

Writing from the heart with love, I am Marsha!

Into Love's Furnace I am Cast

The tree of love its roots hath spread
Deep in my heart, and rears its head;
Rich are its fruits: they joy dispense;
Transport the heart, and ravish sense.
In love's sweet swoon to thee I cleave,
Bless'd source of love . . .

- St. Francis of Asissi