Day 32 - Possibilities of Gratitude

Saturday, October 9, 2010

*image by Luke Brown*

I can clearly see the finish line with only 10 days left. I also know that after the 42nd day I will not stop writing. It is in my soul and an essential part of my life, it has saturated my being and become my life blood. I am so enjoying the changes that gratitude has brought into my life, especially because I would have never imagined that this it was even possible a month ago.

Many years ago I had a job in a factory assembling things. I so hated it and it was extremely difficult for me. I have never had a high level of manual dexterity and I have always been klutzy. I knew I had to do something else. It was then that I decided to go to college but I had no clue as to what to study. I took a battery of tests to determine what my skills were. I thought that would help me decide what course of study to pursue. However, it did not work out as well as I planned. I scored high in everything except for the small motor skills and well I already knew that. My overall score qualified me for whatever educational path I decided to follow, but that was the problem, I still didn’t know what I wanted to do.

I enjoyed art, sketching and drawing, but I didn’t think I was good enough. I knew I was better than the average person, but I didn’t have enough confidence to pursue it. I also knew I wanted to be an author, but I was afraid I would have nothing to say. After all where would the words come from? Too often my mind would just go blank and I could not think of anything to say to save my soul. I enjoyed doing astrology, doing the mathematical calculations from my tables and charts, but I had the communication problem here as well. I was still at a point where I was afraid to tell anyone that I was into new age stuff, fearful I would be an outcast for being different. I finally decided to study computer science. It was the up and coming career and there would always be work for programmers! “What a joke!” Ever hear of the ‘dot com bubble’ and ‘out sourcing’?

Anyway, a few years later, here I was with a B.S. degree in Computer Science, a high GPA, no experience and no prospects either. I did have a pile of rejection letters over an inch high. This of course was back in the early 90’s when employers actually used the postal service! Yes, I know, I will be 57 tomorrow. Well after a year and a half, I gave up. I took a temp job working in a clerical position in an office. And you know what happened? I never became a programmer! I was forever in administrative work until I couldn’t do it anymore. My body just said no more, I could barely walk and my hands became almost unusable from carpal tunnel syndrome with severe nerve damage and arthritis. Then there was the never ending depression.

It was always strange to me why I ended up working most of my adult life doing something that I was never good at and that I did not enjoy. Some people just have to learn things the hard way. I was always embarrassed to tell people what I did for a living. I have spent most of my adult life feeling that I was failure for never being anything more than a secretary. And perhaps the saddest thing of all is that I was never good at it.

My journey of writing in gratitude is only beginning. I’m not sure exactly where it will lead but I do know it’s a road I want to travel, a door that I want to open and a new life for me. And one thing I have learned in the last 32 days is that anything is possible with gratitude.

I am no longer embarrassed by who I am. Always with hope and gratitude, I am Marsha!

Day 31 - The Miracle of Gratitude

Friday, October 8, 2010

*image source ~ unknown*
Another day living in gratitude, another wonderful change because I have allowed gratitude into my heart, my life and my very soul. Another door that was long closed to me has opened with gratitude. And OMG I am ecstatic. My birthday is only a few days away and this may well be the best birthday present that I have ever received.

Today I received an email from my youngest daughter, Jenny! We have not spoken for 5 years. Five years! Seems like forever, and now because of gratitude I have a new reality. I believe that gratitude has so thoroughly changed me that it is affecting all those who have connections to me, seen and unseen. I will forever be great’full for what Gratitude has done for me and the wonderful changes that it’s bringing into my life.

My first husband and the father of my 4 children, came from a large family with 6 children. There was so much contention between them, this one didn’t talk to that one, and that one hadn’t spoken to them for whatever reason, and on and on it goes. I remember thinking that will never happen with my children, but how could it not? We all learned what we lived and we have all lived what we learned.

I remember when Jenny was only a few days old, her father and I stood arm in arm admiring her. We were both so proud and praising each other for creating such a beautiful baby! I am forever thankful she has grown into such a beautiful and vibrant woman, wife and mother. So today I am taking the first step with my beautiful daughter Jenny on a new path in both or our lives. We are walking together in gratitude!

I am love, light and gratitude! I am Marsha!


Day 30 - Seizing Gratitude by the Horns

Thursday, October 7, 2010

*image source ~
Each day as I write about my emotions, I am healing them. As I release my negative emotions I am able to raise my vibration thus making room for more light in my body, my aura and my soul. My intent is to fill not only my heart with gratitude but my entire beingness. Gratitude is raising my light vibration and bringing balance and harmony into to my life. Gratitude stills my emotions and brings a sense of peace and calm into my life. And yes doors are opening... and change has indeed come!

A few days ago, on Day 27, I mentioned This is the Moment, by Walter Green. I went to his website, seized the moment and shared my story. Yesterday I received an email from Walter and his associate Christine asking permission to use my story and in return they would send me an autographed copy of his book. O.M.G. I am just ecstatic! I so wanted to read his book but international shipping rates and taxes can be expensive, so I was going to wait until it was available at the Amazon site in the United Kingdom. I even tried to buy the kindle version from the U.S. but Amazon knew I was in Europe! Oh and by the way I don’t even have a Kindle. How’s that for funny? Never the less I am very great’full for the offer and very excited as well. I am really looking forward to reading Walter’s book and continuing my journey in gratitude after the 42 days that I have committed to the 9th and Final Wave of World Gratitude. I am also looking forward to seeing where Stacey will take ’Go Gratitue’ in the future.

During my darkness while I was living in Florida, I went to see a psychic, Rosa, another Angel in disguise. I was skeptical but my friends wanted me to go with them. So we took our turns going in one at a time. When it was my turn she shuffled a deck of tarot cards and I cut them. She turned them over one by one, and the first thing she said to me was “You are going to live for a very long time.” Wouldn’t a normal person be happy with this? But then no one has ever describe me as normal! I so did not want to hear that, I was hoping my exit from this life would happen sooner rather than later!

My death seemed like my only escape from all the pain and misery I was in. Alas, it was not to be. I didn’t hear too much of what she said after that, I was just too upset, but I have thought a lot about it since then. It was what I needed to hear at the time, providing me with the motivation to change my life. I have told my children, and everyone that might have to make that decision that I don’t want to be a burden like my mother. If the time ever comes that I can no longer take care of myself, please just put me in in a nursing home. I hope that day never comes, I want to live and to love in gratitude fulfilling my highest potential, leaving nothing undone. And when I die, I can only hope that I pass peacefully in my sleep!

30 days of Gratitude, woohoooooooooo! Igniting my spark and seizing the moment! I am Marsha!


Day 29 - Waves of Boundless Gratitude

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I have moved past the 4 week mark and I am well on my way to day 42! Wow! I feel like a different person. A part of me that I never even knew existed is now out front in the center. I am forever great’full. Thank you Go Gratitude!

I can’t help believing that the Gratitude that has so changed me is changing others just as dramatically. I am sure each wave has had the same effect on those who were receptive to the message of gratitude. The wave is growing stronger and surrounding the earth and radiating outward. Each day through my writing I am connecting with Gratitude and I am being born anew. I am irrevocably changed. I am Gratitude!

When we lived in Florida we were trying to start a Wine Import business because we had lived in Italy for 18 months and just fell in love with the wine, the people and the country. It turned out to be much more difficult than we had expected, never enough money. To help out, I found a temp job at NSU that later turned into a permanent job. It didn’t pay a lot but it was the only thing I could find, jobs were few and far between. The politics in the office and the negativity were at best overwhelming. I hated my job but the people I met changed my life and some of them became good friends. This was the beginning of the darkest period in my life.

I will write more about this in the coming days, got to start sorting through the bits and pieces of my emotions somewhere. I am thankful for everything in my life, good and bad, because all of my life experiences have taught me many lessons. I am who I am because of or maybe in spite of everything that has happened in my life. I am Gratitude!

With boundless enthusiasm and never ending waves of global gratitude, I am Marsha!


Day 28 - The Bright Light of Gratitude

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


*image source.~ unkown
I have much more than a spark of gratitude! It’s more like my heart is on fire with gratitude! And all of a sudden I seem to have so much to say, so many things I want to write about. Gratitude has forever changed my life. There is no going back now, I have fully embraced the changes that gratitude has brought into my life.

I am receiving lots of incoming ideas, not too sure that any of it’s brilliant, but I am ever so great’full none the less. I have always been so quiet and shy, only opening up to a select few. When I was a teenager I was called ‘stuck up’ because I didn't speak, I don’t think anyone realized how painfully shy I was. I wanted to speak but I couldn’t, I was so afraid. I made good grades and did well on tests, but during class if the teacher asked me a question, my face would turn bright red, my mind would go blank, and I couldn’t think of anything to say. It all sounds so crazy. There was another time as an adult when I had laryngits and lost my voice. I could barely whisper. It was difficult for anyone to hear me, much less understand me, but I learned that I sure seemed to have a lot to say for being an introvert!

A few short months ago when I was lost in the darkness I listened to a meditation by Carolyn Myss from Channeling Grace. This one little meditation caused a spark that created a flame, a light in my heart. It was small but it was there just the same. It seemed so bright in the darkness but it was the beginning of the light coming back into my life. And now thanks to Go Gratitude my heart is filled with light! I can close my eyes and see it extending and growing until it surrounds me and completely fills my aura. It’s really an amazing feeling… I am in awe! Go Gratitude!

I am Light, I am Love, I am Gratitude! I am Marsha!

Day 27 - Angel of Gratitude

Monday, October 4, 2010


As I progress through each day of the 42 days of the Final Wave of Gratitude I am noticing things with the Go Gratitude symbol and also finding much more gratitude in my life. Yesterday I received an email from Hay House and found a book by Walter Green, This Is The Moment. It’s about how he changed his life using the Law of Gratitude. I would love to read it, but of course, living in Ireland has its drawbacks. It takes longer for new books just released in the US to be available here in Ireland. So it’s just another lesson in patience for me. Ahhhhhhhhhh!

I was, however, able to download a 3 page guide, Crafting Your Own Expressions of Gratitude, from his website. The reason I mention this is because it seems to fit in nicely with today’s message. The idea is to express my gratitude for what they’ve done for me and what it has meant in my life. The first step is ‘Who?’ The second step is ‘How?’ The third step is ‘What?’. There are so many people, I could write my own book about it. Hmmm, maybe I will. Now that’s a thought!

Just over a year ago my husband was out of work and had been for a while. I could barely walk with the bone on bone pain from arthritis in my hip and was only weeks away from being in a wheelchair. The pain kept me awake at night even though I was taking a lot of prescribed pain medication, sleeping pills and antidepressants. With no medical insurance and no income, I was lost in a downward spiral into my dark night of my soul with no end in sight.

My Angel a.k.a. Richard W. Garner, M.D.
Somehow, someway, the Angels were watching over me and I was saved. I was accepted by Anchorage Project Access, and my Angel, Dr. Garner. Everything was donated to me, the doctor, the hospital, nursing, everything. My medications were $5 or less. I am truly blessed and will be forever great’full. Many people have made a significant impact on my life but nothing more dramatically than this. I still have some issues and I will never be young again, but I thank God every day I can get out of bed and walk!

Sharing my emotions freely, loving passionately from the heart, and always with gratitude. I am Marsha!


Angel of Gratitude Reaches Out

Day 26 - Speaking My Gratitude

*Breath of Gold by Vicki Krieger*

I always, always speak my truth from my heart and I am always true to myself. It serves no one to tell them only what they want to hear. If I don’t tell the truth it’s a lie by omission and still a lie never the less. If I speak from the heart it cannot help but be loving and filled with gratitude and kindness.

I love filling my body and aura with Golden Divine Light through the crown chakra until it fills and saturates me completely and overflows to everyone around me. I have noticed when I do this I am treated very differently by the others that I encounter through out my day! People are kinder, gentler and genuinely more caring. It’s really quite amazing and it also feels quite wonderful! Just imagine if everyone did this. Go Gratitude!

Speaking of always doing something, always ask questions. How can I ever know or learn if I do not ask questions? I cannot accept anything at face value and I certainly don’t believe everything I read or see especially on television or what someone tells me. I am always filled with questions, too many, but my inquiring mind wants to know…

I can see it, taste it, feel it, speak it, know it, I let it fill me completely and I become Gratitude! Always asking questions and speaking from the heart with Gratitude. I am gratitude!

I am Marsha!