Day 25 - An Attitude of Gratitude

Saturday, October 2, 2010

*source ~ unknown*

Life is too short to spend it drifting along. I prefer to ride the raves and go somewhere. I do have a hard time staying in the same place too long. It seems impossible for me to stay put because so many doors open with new opportunities. This has undoubtedly brought a lot more change into my life.

Writing each day during this final Wave of Gratitude has certainly caused a shift to occur in my thoughts and feelings. I am seeing things differently. Sometimes change is good, and the gratitude shift is definitely good. I am riding the wave and I feel good. My heart is calling for me to write and I am doing it! Wow! Thank you gratitude!

I have been a healer for many years. I have studied different modalities of healing and learned how to use my hands for healing. 2 years ago I developed carpal tunnel in both hands, test results were severe with the only option being surgery. I could no longer sew or work with any thing small and I lost a lot of strength in my hands. Earlier this year I gave in and had the surgery but the recovery has not gone as well as I had hoped. I still have pain and no strength but it is still better than the never ending numbness and tingling. Thankfully I can write with a pencil and type on a keyboard, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this blog.

My husband had a headache this morning and I tried doing a Healing Touch technique called ‘pain drain’ but the pain in my hands was unbearable after only a few minutes. So I had to stop. My hands were extremely sensitive before and I was able to feel energy, now I cannot. As a Case Manager at the Distant Healing Network I do lots of distant healing. Even though I would prefer hands on healing I am ever so thankful that I am still able to do distant healing.

Riding the wave with gratitude and a shifting attitude, I am Marsha!


Day 24 - Caring With Gratitude

Friday, October 1, 2010

*kirlian photo of an apple - source unknown

Wouldn’t it be funny to see a furry apple? Everyone loves fluffy little puppies and kittens, they are so full of energy and bring so much joy. Of course, this is not fur in the picture it’s energy. It’s light. Remember the old saying ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’? I can certainly see why, how could this light not nourish you? I am trying to improve my diet by eating fresh fruits and vegetables and I can see from the picture just how much light this apple carries. So, I know it is a good for me. My favorite apples are the Golden Delicious ones. I just ate one in fact.

I’ve been living in darkness, anti-depressants, sleeping and pain pills, for almost 2 years. In the last few months I have stopped taking them, although I still take the pain medication when I need it. I have also stopped drinking cola. I would love to see a kirlian photo of a cola . . . no life there I’m sure. I have not lived a “normal” life, it’s been difficult and emotionally painful, and I have a lot of baggage. I am trying to lighten my load by writing and I do believe that writing this blog each day is helping me to heal my emotional body, just as healthy food is helping my physical body to heal.

I love it when other’s share their views with me, it allows me so see things differently. Wouldn’t it be so boring if we were all the same? It upsets me more than you can ever know when I lose control of my emotions. I so hate it if I cry in front of others, this makes me so angry at myself. Is it rude to tell someone how you really feel? Sometimes I can’t help it, it just comes out of my mouth, and the tears flow; then, I apologize. So yes, I have to conclude that it is indeed rude. OMG One more thing I have to work on! Thankfully, no one here in Ireland asks me how I am. They say “How are you keeping?” In businesses no one asks me if they can help me, it’s “Are you ok?”

In another lifetime, in a land far far away, when I told my first husband I was leaving him, and I swear this is the truth. The first thing he said to me was “What will the neighbors think?” It was ok for them to think he was a worthless drunken bum who didn’t work but not ok for them to think that his wife left him! I thought this was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard! My answer, “Who cares?” Besides, they probably thought I finally came to my senses! They, in fact, were probably so busy with their own lives they didn’t even notice!

I try to be considerate of other people’s feelings. Why do I care? I am not sure, but I do. I am a Case Manager at the Distant Healing Network, so I send distant healing and prayers for the people and the animals that need help. I am a Reiki Master, Spiritual Healer, Ordained Minister and so much more, and I care for those around me. I am a wounded healer, walking a healing path, writing with gratitude from the heart.

With love, gratitude and hopefully not too much babbling….I am Marsha!


Day 23 – Pink Hearts, Rainbows and Gratitude

Art by Bruce Harman – Rainbow Heart
To me Full Specturm Intention means healing from the heart with all the colors. I have done meditations were I bring each color one at a time into my aura and body letting the energy flow into my crown chakra. I have also done one where I see all the colors of the rainbow swirling above my head in a big circle and I bring the rainbow down around me like a whirlwind. Both feel wonderful.

~ Image taken at Walnut Canyon, AZ. 2010 ~ Stacey Robyn
When I lived in Hawaii I saw a lot of rainbows, but everywhere else I’ve lived, I have very rarely see one. I love them, they are beautiful. Even living here in Ireland, where it rains a lot I don’t see one very often. It fills my heart and soul with joy because to me they symbolize healing and to see one is a gift.
In the picture of the prism created from the crystal, the prism in the darkness is so much more vivid and the pink in the center is beautiful. I love working with crystals in healing and found that they greatly increase the healing energy and clear blocks quickly. I especially love citrine it is like pure sunshine.

Prism’s and rainbows remind me of the many different paths we all walk here in Earth school. There are many different races, religions, creeds and colors, but I believe we are all part of the One…and this is where all the different paths lead eventually. Some sooner, some later, but it’s all the same destination.

And so until tomorrow, with pink hearts and rainbows, I am Gratitude!

I am Marsha!

Day 22 - The New Light of Gratitude

*artwork by Frank Riccio for Cafe Gratitude*
What an amazing morning. I woke up to the sun shining in the window. I can’t even remember the last time this happened. I walked down to the River Laune and took some pictures and just soaked in the sunshine. The water was so still and smooth like a mirror reflecting the beautiful scenery surrounding it. This is unusual too, the wind always seems to blow. I am so glad I was able to seize the moment this morning because it’s was raining by lunchtime.

In the picture I see the fruit of summer in her eyes even though it’s a bleak fall day after the leaves have long fallen, the sky is gray and snow may be on the way. To me this says keep your eye on prize. I must hold onto my dreams with all my senses in all realms in order for them to manifest. Is this like seeing through rose colored glasses? Perhaps, but I must take steps to manifest my vision, not just living in a state of denial, saying everything is fine.

Have you ever noticed the shock on the face of the person who asked you “How are you?” and you just told them the truth? The customary response is “fine” but how often is it true? Being an emotional person I have on occasion responded with the truth, not meaning to but doing so never the less. I have seen the surprise on their faces, more than once. When I ask someone how they are, it’s because I care deeply and I genuinely want to know the truth. Yes, I know I am unique, a nice word for strange! So I have to ask, what if everyone just told the truth about how they really feel? Wouldn’t it be interesting? Would people stop asking?

I think this is an important concept for me. I have learned in my 22 days of writing with gratitude that I must acknowledge what I am feeling and not live in a state of denial. Otherwise I will not grow and move closer to the light. When I take Zoloft and Lunesta, I am numb, and certainly not in touch with my emotions. In this drug induced fog, my emotions are still smoldering deep inside of me and I know they will flare up someday. Well now is that day, not literally because I stopped taking both of them some time ago, and I feel lucid and intently focused. I have realized another important insight today. ‘New Light’ (a.k.a. aha moment) has once again come into my reality.

I say this because I was once a Jehovah’s Witness. I became a member for a couple of years way back in the 70’s, a really long time ago! They managed to scare me into believing that they were the only religion teaching “The Truth” and only their members who worked hard (knocking on doors) would be saved. Crazy huh! Well, the world didn’t end in 1975 as they had predicted. So, I finally came to my senses, and I stopped believing their so-called version of the truth. Besides they couldn’t answer all my questions, and I always have questions. The Watchtower Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses’ leadership) has actually predicted the end of the world several times. When their prophecies were wrong, they would receive New Light, which is a different way of understanding and interpreting the scriptures. It was more like new dogma and just another way to keep their members in the dark and living in fear.

I am so sorry for those who are blinded by their dark doctrines. I am also sorry for all the pain I caused during this time, especially for my children. I did not let them celebrate Easter, Christmas, Halloween or even their birthday. They were young at the time and I was only a member for a couple of years. Excuses begone! Even though I have made more than my share of mistakes over the years, I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained during my life experiences.

I am riding the wave of gratitude, bringing the light into the darkness. I am Marsha!


Day 21 – Finding My Way Home With Gratitude

Image by Daniel B. Holeman*
I have been worried for the last week since my 38 year old daughter told me she needed a hysterectomy. Then the biopsy was inconclusive, so the doctors decided to do the surgery as soon as possible. As the day has gotten closer, my emotional sensitivity has increased dramatically, day by day. I am a bundle of emotions but I would be this way even if I were there with her. Alaska is a long way from Ireland.

A few moments ago as I was standing in the kitchen making tea, I felt a feeling of peace and stillness come over me, a knowing that she will be all right. I think it’s always difficult for a parent when a child needs surgery even a grown up one. I must go beneath to the Now to quiet my irrational mind and still my out of control emotions. Oh the woes of Scorpio water signs! It doesn’t help that it’s been cloudy and dreary the last few days. Where is the sunshine?

I’m just not sure what home is. I wanted it to be a place that never changed, but that could never be. One of the hardest lessons I had to learn is that change is the only thing that never changes. It’s a Catch 22. Things are always different. I moved away from Rye where I grew up as soon as I graduated from High School. When I came back to live it was different, things were not the same as I remembered. I had this same experience many times over the years. Then later when I was living in Golden, my husband and I separated for the second time, and again because of my kids. I so wanted to feel safe, to have a home, but I didn’t, and the man I loved had abandoned me again. I remember riding the bus to go to a Rockies game, and I felt this all encompassing sadness come over me as I realized that change was the only thing I could count on.

OMG I just realized something, ‘New Light’ has come into my reality. That Mother-Father God, Allah, Jehovah, Great Spirit, the Divine, Golden Light, or whatever name you wish to use, IS something I can count on too. Wow! I know I am ever changing, but now I must wonder is God the one thing that never changes? Perhaps it is this fantasy of reality where change exists. Does change exist behind the veil? And what about the darkness, I know it cannot survive in the light, but is it in the real world as an opposite of Light? Or is it only here in our illusionary Earth School? Interesting isn’t it, how one new answer brings so many more questions.

Ok, so today is number twenty one, does that mean writing each day has become a habit? I think it has. I have learned so much writing for these last 3 weeks. Today’s message defines Home as ‘our sacred place of rest, relaxation, and peaceful-nes.’ This is exactly how I feel when I am connected to the light! So, today I have learned that there are 2 things I can count on and also that my home is not an earthly one! Love it! I am writing my path of gratitude, clearing negative emotions and gaining new insights along the way. Go Gratitude!

I am Marsha!

Day 21 - COMING H(OM)E

Day 20 - Changing Gratitude

* source ~ unknown*

Today I am grateful for each part of me, even the parts that I most want to change. It seems I am always changing, even things that I don’t want to change do change. There is not an option here, the only constant in life is change. When there is no change there is no life, only nothingness.

I see the human body as a tree with roots extending invisibly down into the ground and branches that reach for the sun in the sky. Isn’t this what we all do? Just as trees need the light of sunshine, and the roots need to be in the ground, I need the sun (symbolic of the Divine Light) shining on me and I need my etheric body to be grounded into the earth. Grounding helps me to go beneath and be in the calmness of the Now.

I have always loved trees, when I was little I enjoyed climbing them. Now I can no longer climb them, but I love taking pictures of them, even touching them, sometimes hugging them. I can feel the massive power and knowledge from the energy of the trees. Trees seem magical to me, filled with wisdom.

When I was in 7th grade there was a beautiful tree in front of the school, I’m sure it had been there since way before I was born. There was a small area for the tree and it was surrounded by pavement. One day workers came and cut it down as I watched helplessly from the classroom window. I don’t know if it affected others as deeply as it did me, but how could it not? I have often wondered why they chose to do this. They covered the spot with pavement. With pavement, no less! For me, it just was not the same without the tree, ever, but the tree continues to live in my memory.

Whether or not I see change as good or bad, change comes never the less. I can only believe that there must be a divine plan somewhere, even though I am totally clueless. Change sometimes seems so hard when it comes, but I believe that if you don’t make changes when you need to, you will be forced to with a more sudden and drastic change. I am so afraid of flying and I married a man who has traveled his whole life. I finally decided to go for it and travel the world with him. It’s still not easy for me, but it is easier riding the wave instead of swimming against the current.

I am gratitude! I am Marsha!


Day 19 – Radiating Gratitude

*Dr. Michael Schlosser*, photo by Cynthia Rose
When gratitude is in your soul, it will also shine through your eyes. It cannot be any other way. There are many ways to change your life, some better than others. I now know that ‘Go Gratitude’ is one of the better ways and it is certainly changing my life in ways I never imagined.

I no longer feel so lonely. There is a difference between being lonely and being alone, and I do need my alone time to recharge. I cannot feel alienated when I am filled with gratitude. My own fear of abandonment is something I have struggled with as far back as I can remember. So now I must question if this is from the time I spent in the hospital and my mom and dad were not there because they were taken to different hospitals; and yet another aha moment! When I am connected to the Light I am not alone. I am strengthening this connection with gratitude.

I bared my soul yesterday in my blog, today I need to heal and recover. As I purge the darkness of my emotions I have more room for gratitude. I feel wonderful as the beautiful Golden Light flows down from above into my crown chakra saturating every cell of my body, healing, cleansing, purifying, and feeding my soul. And it continues flowing into to me, overflowing and radiating to those around me and beyond to every living being and to the Earth.

Today I see the world through eyes of gratitude. I have caught the wave of gratitude and I am enjoying the ride. With gratitude in my heart and a smile on my face, I am Gratitude!

I am Marsha!


Day 18 - Living in Gratitude

album cover: Artful touch Love with Gratitude
Some days it seems as if all I write is drivel and some days I can get into my feelings. These are the days I strive for and this is what I need for healing to occur, and for me to change and grow.

I just realized that today I no longer have the need to be validated by being published. If my writing helps just one person then I have been successful, even if that one person is me. One of the reasons I am writing is to heal myself by releasing my pain to the light and through gratitude I am doing this.

No one can understand the deep emotions of the water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces unless they have them in their natal chart. Understanding comes only from being there. With a Scorpio moon conjunct a Scorpio Ascendant, I have fallen into the depths of the darkness that depression brings. I have experienced the ‘dark night of the soul’ and I want you to know it lasts much longer than one earthly night! I must have cried a thousand of times, ‘please give me a reason to live’.

At my darkest point when I so wanted to die and could find no reason to go on, my daughter, Becky, said to me ‘let me be your reason to live’ and so it is… A few months later, I channeled energy and Light to her and shook her each time she stopped breathing. The healing energy seemed so useless, even futile but I kept sending and praying. I begged and pleaded for Mother-Father God to save her and I could only offer my own pitiful and worthless life in exchange for hers. As I sat there watching her puke blood, I selfishly asked myself “How will I go on living?”

She later told me that during this time she had left her body and was with the Angels in a wonderful, warm and safe place and whatever I was doing had helped. She was fighting to come back for her children and she did come back. She was born anew with new insights from the other side and she was literally a new person, different but stronger. Now she faces more surgery and I must be strong once again. I know how much the Angels love her, she is surrounded by them, they will protect her and keep her safe and it will be all right.

As I move closer to the Light, the farther away I move from the edge of the darkness I call depression. I could never have known the Joy and Ecstasy of the Light without having been in the deep dark pit of depression. I am walking a path of gratitude and it’s taking me closer to the light. I am a wounded healer and I am being healed with gratitude. Go gratitude!

I am Marsha!


Day 17 - Commitment to Gratitude

*image courtesy Ray Rankin*

What an interesting thought, Gratitude with Fortitude. Hmmmm…is that like intestinal fortitude? I do know that it takes determination and fortitude to complete 42 days of blogging in a row, but I am so committed. I am dedicated to seeing this through. Yes, I am great’full for this opportunity to be gratitude!

When I look at today’s picture I see many paths, the straight and narrow, the high road, the low road and the path of gratitude. I see the wave of gratitude and it’s the one I choose to walk. From the center to the outer reaches, ever-expanding and growing to eternity. Yes, I am walking the ever-changing path of gratitude.

I am re-arranging my reality as I move gracefully through the change each day brings, well with me it’s usually not so gracefully. I am like Susan on Desperate Housewives, kind of klutzy, but in my case it’s really klutzy. When I was in college, taking psychology classes I learned that I didn’t develop eye to hand coordination as an infant because I was in the hospital with my hands bandaged. I also never crawled because I was in a crib during this time and when I was released, I walked. Another aha moment, that explained so much!

My sister, Dorothy, was killed in the accident that put me in the hospital. She was 5, I was not quite 6 months old. Even though I have memories of being in the hospital, I don’t remember her. I wish I would have asked my Grandmother May about her memories of Dorothy, but she is gone now. I don’t remember or know why but I always felt my parents would have wanted Dorothy to live instead of me if they could have made the choice. Ok, so there’s a major reason for my insecurity. Thank god for my grandmother, I knew she love me!

The tides of change bring opportunities for which I am forever great’full! I am strong, I am committed, and I am dedicated to gratitude! I am empowered with bountiful Gratitude! Oh yes, all IS well.

I am Marsha!


Day 16 – Moving Syntropically in Gratitude

Artwork Janosh Art

The picture today is really beautiful. It’s another one that I could spend hours gazing into. As I opened the email today, I noticed the picture is different that the one on Stacey Robyn’s blog from 2008. Same artist, but the new one is titled “Gratitude” which does seem more fitting, but I prefer the first one. I see it as yet another symbol of the change that has come.

Artwork Janosh Art

The first thing I did today was look up the meaning of syntropic. It means turning or pointing in the same direction. As I first began to ride the wave of Gratitude, I was totally focused on myself and how it applied to me. After the first week I began to notice, that it seemed to be affecting me and everyone around me, including my husband. It is bringing change to me and my life, as the ocean waves are surely changing the shorelines around the world. Small waves may only move the sand and seaweed along the beach, but stronger ones do so much more, creating change on a more miraculous scale.

Change may seem harsh and brutal sometimes, but on a universal scale, and especially on a soul level, I believe it is necessary. I have found in my life that when it’s time to make a change, if I don’t, I am forced into it. Like the time I knew I was not supposed to be working where I was, but I chose to stay. I was given a pink slip, they were moving the office to another state and I was not invited to go.

I lived in Colorado for many years and there are evergreens that stay green in the winter but the grass turns brown. It would also turn brown in the summer time when it was so hot. I have never understood how someone can stay in the same location, live in the same house, and work at the same job for their whole lives. Not me though, I graduated from high school at 17 and this was also when I began my first journey to a foreign land. I have been travelling ever since.

Today is the Autumnal Equinox by the way, which signals another change. The sun enters Libra and Fall begins, even though the leaves started changing here some time ago. I did manage to catch a glimpse of the Harvest Full Moon yesterday evening, but not Jupiter which is also visible now. Today it’s still cloudy, with more rain and drizzle, but I so love the sunshine. I am so great’full for the rain it’s what keeps this island not just green but ‘emerald’ green. They don’t call it the Emerald Isle for nothing.

On a personal level I do feel I am at a turning point, as is the world around me. The full moon will now grow smaller and the equinox brings shorter days. I have certainly changed in the last 16 days since I began this journey of Gratitude! The one thing I know that I can always count on is change; and I am looking forward to what the following days and weeks will bring into my life, as I move syntropically in gratitude! I know that’s probably not a word but it feels right and I like it! So, until tomorrow, I bid you adieu…

In Syntropic Gratitude, I am Marsha!

Day 16- Syntropic Gratitude

Day 15 – Living and Loving in Gratitude

Say yes to gratitude! Each person who crosses my path has a gift, it’s my choice whether to accept it or not. It could be as simple as a smile or it could be much more, a relationship, a lesson. Whatever it is, the choice is mine. And I choose to return whatever is given to me with love and Gratitude!

This may sound strange but my life feels, happier, and calmer. I feel this wonderful inner peace and today is only day 15 on my path of Gratitude! It even seems to be affecting my husband. He seems calmer and more peaceful too and is even sleeping better. I Am setting the pattern for others to follow! Strange how one life so affects another, isn’t it?

It’s remarkably humbling to practice Ho’oponopono, but this is what today’s picture reminds me of. Ho’oponopono means to “make it right with the ancestors, or to make right with the people with whom you have relationships.”

Today I am so thankful for the 9th and Final Wave of World Gratitude! It has already changed me more than I could have ever imagined. I am also great’full for having Ho’ponopono in my awareness and today I shall practice it as well. It consists of 4 simple lines: “I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you”.

It’s so true that I am unique. I guess that’s a nice way of saying I’m different. I have always had trouble feeling like I fit in or that I belong. Perhaps that is why I have travelled so much and lived in so many different places. I could never imagine staying in the same place, there’s so much to experience out there.

I have been many things, a baby, a child, a teenager, a wife, a mother, a grandmother and more. I have learned so many lessons along the way, some I have enjoyed immensely and some not so much, but they have all made me who I am today. There are things I would change but I would not be the same person that I am now. The most important thing to me is to live and love as much as I can, as I continue my life in Love, Light and Gratitude. Go Gratitude!

I am Light, I am Love, I am Gratitude! I am Marsha!


Day 14 - Encircling Gratitude Solefully

*artwork by Douglas Blair - "Barefoot in the rain"*

I knew the day would come when I would go back and change the titles of my daily blogs to something more creative and meaningful. That day would be today, the 2 week anniversary of my journey as I ride the wave of Gratitude. I am happy that I have made it to this day, and I am looking forward to the path that lies ahead of me. If it takes 21 days to create a new habit, then in one more week, my daily writing will be a habit that I shall continue to the end of my journey in the world of illusion and fantasy. Imagine that!

Speaking of habits, I have many things in my life I am trying to change, from my diet to my medications. About 3 months ago, I stopped taking Zoloft, that was the first step back to Joy, because it so numbed my emotions. I had been taking it since I lost my dearest friend almost 2 years ago. I’m not ready to share that story yet, so I’ll save that for another blog. I have also stopped taking Lunesta about a month ago. I am not sleeping as well, but I feel clearer and more focused. My morning fog is gone but not my addiction to caffeine…I so love the strong Irish tea. I have to have one vice or otherwise I would be perfect! Smile…if you knew me you would know that’s so not true.

As far as my diet goes, I have stopped drinking cola’s. I have been drinking them since I was a young child in elementary school. My grandfather would take me to Creamery in Rye and buy Pepsi for me. I have such wonderful memories of him and my grandmother, who would always give me a glass of Coke to soothe my stomach. I think these memories reinforced my addiction to them. I have stopped many times and I know that each time I do, for the first 3 days I am craving it, so I overeat trying to satisfy that needful thirst. I know that I must balance my good feelings, my memories with what is good for my body. I also know I can’t have just one cola, I need more and more. This cycle had to end.

Now I just need to start eating my food in the right combinations to maximize digestion. It’s just so hard to change, but I am working on it and I know I can do it. A few years ago, when I was living in Hawaii, I tried the Akins diet. A couple of things happened, and neither one of them was losing weight. But I was able to sleep and I didn’t have heartburn. I have since learned that my body has problems with sugar, which I have also eliminated. The second thing I learned is a high protein and low carbohydrate diet is another way of eating the correct combination of food.

Today’s message talks about under-standing and connecting feet to earth. I think that once I learned to ‘ground’ I became addicted but this is a good addiction. For me, to imagine that I have roots extending from the souls of my feet deep into the earth is calming and soothing. Then to feel the earth energy flowing into me through the soles of your feet, feeding my soul with magnificent energy is amazing and revitalizing. This is why I so need to get out and connect with nature as often as I can.

As I continue writing through this 42 day journey, the changes and the under-standing occurring through gratitude will make a major difference in my life. From the outer reaches of my soles to the inner expanse of my soul and beyond to infinity, I am gratitude! Today I have received another gift of gratitude as I sole-fully connect to all that is, to Gratitude!

I sole-fully embrace love’s light in Gratitude! I am Marsha!


Note: I have made a commitment to myself to write a blog each day for 42 days based on the 'Go Gratitude' daily blogs written by Stacie Robyn. At the end of each blog I write, there is a link to the corresponding message on Stacie's World Gratitude blog. I appreciate your comments and welcome questions.

Day 13 - Seeing Through Eyes of Gratitude

Thursday, September 30, 2010

*image ~ Stacey Robyn. "Eye Love you, Alex" 2005
My eyes are fully focused on gratitude. I see gratitude every where and in every thing and I am great’full for my new outlook! I always try to notice the little things. I have a “stop and smell the roses” outlook on life. Sometimes I get lost in the details, and I need help seeing the big picture.

When I lived in Alaska every time I went outside, I was in awe of the beauty I was surrounded by. It was the most astonishing place I have ever been and it never ceased to amaze me, from the snow covered peaks to the mist in the valleys. The fog would move in and cover the trees in frost creating a magical, sparkling, winter wonderland. There are no words to describe the dazzling auroras that dance across the skies. I am forever great’full.

Today’s message talks about making the symbol of Gratitude with your eyes to exercise and strengthen your eye muscles. This is fabulous because it can be taken two ways, actually exercising to keep the muscles strong and also to remind us that by just changing our outlook, our viewpoint, we can see the world with eyes of gratitude. I think it’s always been there, I just wish I would have seen it sooner. There is a time and place for everything, and the time for me is now. Wow!

Right now in my life I don’t need to understand where the 42 day wave of gratitude is taking me. All I need to do is enjoy the ride, relax and let it evolve and grow and see where it takes me. Go gratitude. I am doing this full of faith, oneness and gratitude. I am one with all that is, I am gratitude.

I am Marsha!

Day 12 - My heart and soul are Gratitude

The heart in the picture is radiating golden light and looks like the sun shining down on the earth. So no wonder I am thinking of sunshine today as I begin to write. I grew up in the Southern Colorado Rocky Mountains with lots of sunny days and blue skies. I remember one time when we had 5 cloudy days in a row! I was feeling so bad when the sun finally came out I realized just how much the dreary weather was affecting me.

I am so thankful for sunny days, but they occur so rarely here in Ireland; and today was no exception. The sun came out for a few moments and I was so happy, but it soon disappeared. I could see myself getting out and connecting with nature and the earth because this so revitalizes me but this was not to be, not today anyway. However, I am thankful for the rain because that’s what keeps everything so green. I do love the emerald isle but I also wish we had more sunny days.

What a beautiful picture! Looking at this picture I can see why a picture is worth a thousand words. Although I know that a thousand words could never describe this picture. It’s another picture I could get lost in, or more like find myself, my soul, my heart….my gratitude.

I am writing my gratitude and my feelings from my heart in Heart Speak. The heart of you is the heart of my soul. The heart of me is the heart of gratitude and you and me, and everyone, all of us are the heart of the earth. I find my gratitude in my heart and in my soul. We are one in gratitude!

“Physical health is about balance and being in touch with what your body wants and needs . . . Mental health is quite simple: peace . . . Spiritual health is . . . knowing your self as pure love.” from Quados Garden.

Emotional health is knowing yourself as pure gratitude!

I am pure gratitude! I am Marsha!

Day 11 - Dance of Love and Gratitude

I signed up for an earlier wave, but I wasn’t ready. I read the emails each day but they did not touch my soul as they are doing now. When I read today’s title, Entopic Gratitude, the first thing that poped into my head is ectopic pregnancy, which is an abnormal pregnancy. But this is not what entopic means, it means that it is where it’s supposed to be. Gratitude where it belongs, and where it has always been?

Yes, I feel that gratitude is inside of me, in its usual place. It has always been there, before my birth, since the moment my soul was accepted into Earth School, a joyous celebration no doubt. Now that I have found my gratitude, my new purpose is to bring it out into the world, and to share it with everyone! Now I have learned than I can no longer wonder along my illusionary path in the trance I call my life. It seems each day of this process brings another ‘aha’ moment! I am amazed, once again!

I can see the dance with my husband more clearly now, for love can only walk the way of gratitude. Perhaps I do finish his sentences just to irritate him, even if it is done unconsciously. And maybe, just maybe, when he speaks so slowly, it’s done unconsciously as well, to taunt me. I have decided it’s best to just bite my tongue. I spoke about this briefly on Day 9. Anyway, he doesn’t usually speak so slowly. He is an extravert and very out going, after all, and even has the Irish ‘gift of gab!’ I am his opposite; an introvert, and painfully shy. That’s why writing this blog and letting others read it is so amazing.

Change has always been difficult for me. It has never been ecstatic, not even close, but somehow the change that this wave of gratitude is bringing into my life, makes it seem possible. So, now I must completely throw out my old way of thinking and replace it with a new belief. My new truth, I really am gratitude! Oh, yes, ecstatic change has come. Now I am joyful, even ecstatic as I walk my ever-evolving, joyfully changing path of love, light and entopic gratitude…now that’s a mouthful!

I am Gratitude! I am Marsha!

Day 10 - My Path of Gratitude

Joy Riders by Fredoon Rassouli

Today is Day 10 and I think my titles are kind of boring, so I am going to start using something more creative. Of course, it’s still Day 10 of 42 of the Final Wave of World Gratitude! Instead of using the same title and only changing the number, I am going to write the title after I write my thoughts. So let’s see what happens. By the time I finish writing today you will be able to see the title above, so it will only be a surprise for me. That’s ok, sometimes surprises are good, and well, sometimes not.

My mind is kind of blank when I read the title Grip on Gratitude. My first though is that Grip and Gratitude seem like complete opposites. So I have to ask, what does that mean? It can’t mean to hold on tightly, that would destroy it. I think there must be a balance. The grip must be gentle but yet firm enough to keep it in your heart.

When I look at the painting, included in today’s Go Gratitude email, I just love it. Not only is it beautiful, it’s calming and instills a visual feeling of gratitude. I could spend hours just gazing into it. Many of his paintings have the swirling pattern that so resembles the Go Gratitude symbol. He has a wonderful online gallery where I could so easily lose track of time.

Which brings me to how great’full I am for my relationships both good and bad. I have learned many lessons along the way. I so wanted to be included in my children’s lives as they got older and began families of their own. I had to learn the hard way that I had to let go. It’s been a difficult and painful path to tread. Relationship’s are like gratitude, you cannot grip too tightly, or too loosely, there must also be a balance between giving and receiving, and not so much taking. Believe me when I say, I have lived and learned my lessons well.

My parents argued constantly, I thought that’s the way it’s supposed to be. As I have gotten older, I have come to forgive my mother for all the pain she caused me over the years. Perhaps she was the mother I needed, but certainly not the one I wanted!

It’s so true that children learn what they live, and it continues into parenthood by living what they learned. I am afraid the bad parenting skills I learned as a child reared their ugly head in my own parenting style. I can only hope to be forgiven for my limitations, failings and inadequacies. I can say I am only human; but I believe we are all so much more…it just takes time to remember. Now that I’m 56, soon to be 57, I can only strive to be a better parent to my grown children. It’s too late for me go back and change anything…oh, so many mistakes a long the way.

I have always had difficulty controlling my emotions. With a Scorpio Moon conjunct my Scorpio Ascendant, I would describe myself as emotional, maybe even sometimes to the extreme. And I really hate it when I lose control and cry in front of someone. It just drains all of my energy and I am exhausted afterward. It’s taken years to gain some measure of control. If I can get into the Now, going beneath the dissonance to the stillness, I can usually prevent it, but not always. However, the first step to changing something is always to recognize it for what it is. 
To me a fist means discord, and uncontrollable anger. I never imagined finding Gratitude in a fisted hand, clasped inside of the other hand! Another ‘aha’ moment…transforming disharmony into gratitude…how amazing is that? I am so thankful for the connection I have to the One that we all are, as fingers on the hand; and to the past, to the future and to the NOW. Go Gratitude! And so my lessons continue as I walk my healing path of Gratitude….

I am One with Gratitude in this moment! I am Marsha!

Day 9 – Knowing Gratitude

Iridescent Glory of Helix Nebula

I can ‘see’ the difference Gratitude is making in my life. It’s still hard to believe that I am actually writing, for 9 days no less! My husband and I had words this morning before he left for work. I think he intentionally speaks so slowly just to irritate me! Then instinctively I finish his sentences and he gets angry with me. Somehow I can’t seem to stop myself from doing this even though I know it upsets him. So today I must go beneath the turmoil and find the calm that is within the NOW to ‘seek’ Gratitude. I do this so I can write. I am doing this for myself.

Oh and another thing that happened this morning, the email for Day 9 not yet arrived in my mailbox, but it’s all good. I am so thankful, I now have the link to the blogs which has all 42 days. Go Gratitude! I feel my life is changing because of my writing, I know it’s early in the process, but I feel great! I am ever so thankful….Go Gratitude!

I think today’s message is about seeing through the Eye of God, seeking and knowing gratitude, and bringing in the necessary changes, the new. So, today I am see(k)ing the world through Gratitude and yes, new views are opening for me; and today I strive to always ‘see’ the world with (k)new views.

I am Gratitude! I am Marsha!

Day 8 - Waves of Light and Gratitude

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Take time to pamper yourself today. Do something special, whatever that is. Love yourself! Something I always need to say to myself is “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Marsha!” I am a diehard perfectionist and yes, I am extremely hard on myself. I can step aside and be in a still moment, in the now, and see how my self-criticism creates a downward spiral of despair. This of course explains my lack of self-esteem, my fear of failure and my on and off again depression.

I can also see how I continue the harsh criticism from my parents to this day. My dad’s most memorable words to me were, “I’m disappointed in you” and my mother could not give me a compliment to save her soul. If she couldn’t find something wrong to criticize me for she would say nothing! If I did not have such a wonderful loving Grandmother, I would have been forever lost. Well, I think it’s time to stop and give myself a hug! The first step of changing your behavior is recognizing it.

I know also, that loving myself means that I must love myself with the food I eat. What an amazing insight, I have never thought of food this way. I think this will finally allow me to lose that extra weight I have been carrying around. Wonderful! I can love myself with the nutritious food I put in my body!

When I read the title “Hugging You in Gratitude” I think I have lived this way too long and it’s time to change. I must go beneath to the calm that is within the stillness inside of me. I take a moment to hug myself and if feels really good. Why have I never done this before?

As I close my eyes I visualize waves of light washing over me, surrounding and enveloping me in a cleansing, loving hug and it feels wonderful. Oh, the rapture of Gratitude! As you read these words know that I am sending you this loving wave of Gratitude and Light, and to Mother Earth, surrounding and engulfing her and every living soul in Gratitude. Go Gratitude….

Today I will HUG, HUG, HUG myself in Gratitude! I am Marsha

Day 7 - The Flow of Gratitude

Monday, September 27, 2010

I can’t believe I am actually writing! Today is number 7. Wow! Not only am I writing each day, I am posting what I write here, on Energy’s Soul Mission, and also at the World Gratitude Gathering Forum in my Heart Speak Blog. I have also received some positive comments which have encouraged me, so much more than anyone realizes. But I know, and I am ‘great’full! Yes! I am Gratitude! Thank you to everyone who has taken time to read my daily postings and to those who have left comments.

My goal each day is firstly, to write; second, to read the title and write about what flows into my mind; third, to read and write about the message and fourth, to post what I have written. I am putting myself out there. I have always wanted to do this, but I have never had the confidence to do it before now. It has been a long process, and it’s taken me a very long time to get to this point in my life.

I learned something very important yesterday. I was upset because the message did not arrive in the morning at the expected time of 9:11am, note the interesting time. I found a link to all of the daily messages. So now I have moved beyond the restraints of time. I can begin my daily writing practice whenever I choose.

Today’s title is Love, Respect, Gratitude. I think that if everyone lived these 3 words, we would all be living in paradise here on earth. Amazing thought! I believe that it all starts with one person, me. It cannot be them or everyone else, it has to be me! I choose to live in Love, Respect and Gratitude.

The picture looks like a beautiful diamond, but I know immediately that it’s a water crystal. This relates nicely to the previous posts, after breath, water is vital for life. Without it, there is no life. It also reminds me how important it is to bless the water before you use it. You can see the results of how the water changes through prayer and blessing in Dr. Emoto’s project.

Today I have so much to be thankful for. My thoughts are flowing like water, sometimes gently, sometimes blocked in a dam and other times with more force as a wave in the ocean, thus the ebb and flow of creativity. I am thankful! Namasté.

I am Love, I am Respect, I am Gratitude! I am Marsha!

Day 6 - Filling My Cup With Gratitude

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The image I see in my minds eye when I read “Cup of Life” is a large white tea cup sitting on a saucer with lots of happy people swimming and splashing in the blue liquid in the cup. In this sea of life, the tide ebbs and flows, up and down, back and forth.

For the last several days, I have been so inspired to write, with the words flowing into my mind. Today it’s been difficult, I am not sure why. I’ve felt tired and sleepy and unable to think of something to write about. The days before I felt as if I just didn’t have enough time to get all the words down on the paper. So, today I want to write about the ‘Cup of Life’ and I end up writing about writer’s block!

After reading Day 6, I had to look up the word koans, never heard it before, but without knowing what it means, the meaning of the first sentence is lost. Koan, from Wikipedia, means ‘a fundamental part of the history and lore of Zen Buddhism. It consists of a story, dialogue, question, or statement, the meaning of which cannot be understood by rational thinking but may be accessible through intuition.’

Oh yes, life is a series of streaming koans, stories, dialogues, questions, and statements. And yes, it cannot be understood by rational thinking, only accessible through intuition!!! Isn’t that why we are all here in Earth School, to figure this out?

I believe that if you say a prayer over the water before you drink it, it is blessed; or you can Reiki it. I wonder, if you bless your water filter, will all the filtered water be blessed?

I am the cup, and I choose to be filled with Gratitude. I am Gratitude! I am Marsha!

Day 5 - Breathe in Gratitude

The last 4 days each of these emails from World Gratitude arrived at 9:11am. Quite a coincidence don’t you think? Yes, as a matter of fact, I do think; thanks for asking. And of course, yesterday was the infamous 911. Today I expected to see the email this morning; I had set aside time to write and no email. I was upset, then finally, 2 emails arrived at 2:36 and another at 2:37.

Then I received a wonderful email from Quado, its title, Go Beneath. “Today, when something upsets you, respond in a new way. Immediately go beneath your emotion and reinforce your calm and peaceful center.” OMG I love it, and I feel so much better. Strange how things work sometimes.

I am here in Earth school, to learn that is my purpose. My intent is to help others and to do no harm. I am able to return to my center always, now matter if I forget for a moment and not matter how I first responded.

As I read (k)new breath of you, I think that there is knowledge in breathing. The breath brings life and is necessary for life, we cannot live with out it. It is our life. I remember going to a free meeting with a spiritual master, whose’ name I cannot remember now. I must apologize even though, it was several years ago. I could feel the energy in the auditorium change and he came onto the stage, he talked about the importance of breath, and with a meditation where he told us to breathe. As he repeated the word, breathe, over and over again, the spiritual energy in the room was lifted to a new level. It was quite amazing and it felt wonderful.

Our breath is our constant companion and our connection to life, from the moment of birth until our death. Imagine gratitude being our constant companion and our connection to life, and it is so. Today’s message of gratitude is short, but very interesting and powerful, certainly something to think about.

I breathe in Gratitude, I exhale gratitude. And I remember who I am…..

I am gratitude. I am Marsha!


DAY 4 – Memories of Gratitude


I am finding it difficult to get started today. My energy feels so scattered, so many distractions. And then of course, there’s finding the time. Anyway, here I go….when I hear ‘Birth of Gratitude’ I literally think of mother earth giving birth to a new earth. I’m not sure of what this image in my mind means, but it’s there just the same.

I can only imagine my own moment of conception in the physical world. I believe that I existed before, although in another form. Here on earth I can only be as perfect as the parts, my mother’s egg and my father’s sperm allowed. Each are affected by their own health, what they eat, drink and put into their body, and even their own genes which they themselves inherited from their own beginning on earth. At the moment of my conception I was as perfect as I could ever be in this form. I can never go back. Today for me, perfection is not possible.

I would like to think that the egg and the sperm that unite to form a new life are very happy at the moment of conception, thus it’s a wonderful happyning! My soul, I think, was ecstatic, as well as, very great’full for this opportunity to go to earth school! Trials, tribulations and all. Love it!

And from my earthly beginning, to this day, I am thankful for day 4 in this the Final Wave of World Gratitude. And so my path of Gratitude continues…

I am gratitude! I am Marsha!

DAY 3 – Gratitude in Multiples of Twelve

Artwork Source Spiritus Sanctus
‘Gathering Masters’ literally means to me to call in the Masters, Jesus, Buddha, Kuthumi, Zoser, Rama, Astalea among others. I have done this many times during prayers and healing. I have felt the power of doing so. And I continue to ask for their help to this day.

Years ago, I was walking and suddenly I was out of my body, floating above my head. The feeling was pure ecstasy. During this moment, I know it was only a few seconds, time seemed to stop. Jesus was there telling me why I was chosen. When I looked down and saw my body walking, I became scared and was immediately pulled back in to my body. The feeling of euphoria lasted for about 3 days. Some of the information I learned was immediately integrated, it took longer for me to become aware of other things. It was an experience that literally changed my life. Another door had opened, that can never be closed.

I will definitely have to spend some time thinking and meditating about everyone who has profoundly influenced and inspired me. My dad, my grandmother May, and grandfather George, my best friend, my spiritual teachers, and of course, my Tiger…..long story, another day. As I meditate, I call each one with my heart, I thank them and I send an energetic wave of appreciation to them.

How amazing is that? I don’t know how many people are participating in this Final Wave of Gratitude, but if each person adds twelve influential people energetically, it must increase exponentially! Wow! I feel the power!

On the 3rd day, I am focused on Gratitude in the ‘tween’ times, I am blessing all water in all forms, inside my body and outside my body. I love it! Thank you ‘Go Gratitude!’

I Am ‘Gratitude!’ I Am Marsha!

Day 2 - Manifesting in Gratitude

Artwork by Elizabeth Yelland
It's only day 2 and I'm psyched!

My feelings when I read the title 'Heart of Water!' are the memories I have of the power and strength of springs, lakes, streams, and the ocean. As a child, I remember drinking water from a spring bubbling out of the ground just below the top of Mount Baldy, in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. It was the best water I ever tasted!

I feel so much power in the ocean, I feel it in my heart. I grew up living in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, so when I first saw the ocean I was absolutely mesmerized. I spent the night in a hotel right on the beach, with the window open, even though it was quite cold on the Oregon coast. I couldn't get enough, I wanted to stay forever.

In another chapter of my life, I lived in a house by Lake Beckwith in Colorado. I loved looking out the window at the lake. It was amazing how the clouds, the sun and the time of the day changed the lake. There was so much heart in the beautiful stillness and calmness of the lake.

As I write my feelings and my memories, it does not occur to me how important water is to the human body, which is over 50% water by the way! But I do know how we all need clean, pure and safe water to live and I certainly appreciate pure water to drink. What an interesting way to look at water, as divinity within. This touches me deeply, even my soul feels it and it feels divinely right... Wow! And so it is.

Oh yes! I am this powerful, connected, and Divine. I am setting my unique intention to serve my highest good, and hopefully that of others too with my creativity! I see it, I feel it, I breathe it, I can even taste it, I am talented and creative! I am thankful for my writing, my art, my photography and more! I AM true to what feels right for me, and all has manifested through Love and Gratitude! I have always known this, but it has taken many years for me to learn this.

I am a powerful divine being, I am Marsha! Go gratitude!

Day 1 - In the Beginning

Earthquake Rose, image shared by Rachel F.
When I read the words, Wake to Dream, I think that we are dreaming when we are awake and we are awake in our dreams. Which may be closer to the truth than we realize. An interesting thought to ponder....

There's a 'tween' time in between waking and sleeping, and between sleeping and waking. A time when you are deeply relaxed but still awake, a time that is both magical and powerful; a time of miracles as well as great change. Oh think of the power! I, of course, read today’s email after this magical tween time. At this point, I can only close my eyes and immerse myself in the waves, but I feel it just the same. It feels amazingly powerful, a soft swaying of energy flowing over, around and through me, filling my soul with joy.

So, for the next 42 days, and perhaps beyond, I will fall into this magical kingdom of the NOW reality in my non-reality world, in the 'tween' time. I am happy and excited; I am looking forward to the change that is coming. Yes, change is here, and it feels wonderful. Oh, yes, it has begun....there's no stopping it now. Once the door is opened, it cannot be closed, the seen cannot be unseen.

I am Marsha!