Growing Gratitude

Saturday, March 19, 2011

In yesterday’s message there was a link to ‘APA, The Grand Mystery of Water’. I watched it this morning, there were 9 videos about 10 minutes each. I found them interesting so I just kept watching until I had watched all of them.

So, today, every time I used some water I thanked it, then saying a little prayer of blessing. It felt really good and I drink a lot of water, mostly in tea. I even blessed the water I used for cleaning. I felt really good all day long. It was an interesting experience to say the least, and I will keep doing it.

In order to Birth a New Reality, I know there will be many things I will need to let go of. Not only things but my beliefs too. It feels a lot like change, I guess it really is change, but somehow it feels good. I really love learning new things and after all, this is a learning experience. I know, that I must release what is no longer needed, what no longer serves my needs in order for me to grow. And that is the hardest, letting go of my attachment to these things even though I know I must make room for the new reality being birthed. I will do the best I can and I will let go of the outcome as I learned in Healing Touch.

I am Marsha, a blooming human!

~ from the Sufi master Hafiz

Light Will someday split you open
Even if your life is now a cage.

Little by little, You will turn into stars.
Little by little, You will turn into
The whole sweet, amorous Universe.

Love will surely burst you wide open
Into an unfettered, booming new galaxy.

You will become so free
In a wonderful, secret
And pure Love That flows
From a conscious, One-pointed, Infinite Light.

Even then, my dear, The Beloved will have fulfilled
Just a fraction, Just a fraction!
Of a promise He wrote upon your heart.

For a divine seed, the crown of destiny,
Is hidden and sown on an ancient, fertile plain
You hold the title to.

O look again within yourself,
For I know you were once the elegant host
To all the marvels in creation.

When your soul begins
To ever bloom and laugh
And spin in Eternal Ecstasy-

O little by little, You will turn into God.

Waters of Gratitude

Thursday, March 17, 2011

When I was little we had a well and the water tasted so clean and pure. I remember never having to worry about having clean water. I can’t say that now. I grew up without fluoride and chlorine in my drinking water. Today it is so difficult for me to drink chlorinated water, I cannot stand the taste or the smell. I always filter my water, but it’s never as good as the water I had as a child.

Water is life, without it none of us would be here. Even though water can be life giving it can also be deadly, as we have seen with the recent tsunami in Japan. Never the less, it is an integral part of our lives, we begin our lives surrounded by water before our birth, and we spend our entire lives dependant upon the waters of life.

So, what if every time I take a shower, I visualize the water as the First Spirit of Life, baptizing and sanctifying my body, my soul, and my dream seeds in my heart and allowing the Spirit to move through me and beyond? Sounds amazing! I will try it…so we shall see.

I am a blooming human! I am Marsha!

We call upon the waters that rim the earth, horizon to horizon, that flow in our rivers and streams, that fall upon our gardens and fields, and we ask that they teach us and show us the way.
- Chinook Indian Blessing

(W)rites of Gratitude

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today’s message is pretty amazing. It’s not just the message, or the exercise, the magic is in the visualization. I took a sheet of paper and drew a large symbol of Gratitude. It was kind of lopsided, but it didn’t matter. I still felt the amazing power of the visualization. I filled not only the inner and outer circles with my notes of my dreams but also most of the page. Oh yes, I still have so much to do, it seems overwhelming and I often get stuck in the details. For me it’s kind of like, I can’t see the forest because I see all the trees. Even so, I am ever so grateful to be on my way to achieving my dreams.

This was a fantastic meditation for healing not only for myself but for others as well, and I will keep using it. So, if we really are one, then every time we heal ourselves, we heal the world! Not only Japan, but all of creation can use all the gifts of love and healing that are sent with this exercise. The devastation that has occurred in Japan has changed my reality. My thoughts are different than they were last week. Aren’t yours?

It feels like I can really do it this time because all of my past experiences have given me the confidence and courage to bring forth my new reality. Change has indeed come into my perception of illusion in my life. It’s all an illusion though, this reality I mean, and as we are changing I believe we are moving closer to what is real. My lesson is to embrace change, because it is inevitable after all. So, in this moment of e-motion and being one with the Divine, I cherish and embrace the changes which are transforming my life.

I am a blooming human with magic in my heart! I am Marsha!

"Song of the Universal"
~ Walt Whitman
Come, said the muse.
Sing me a song no poet has chanted.
Sing me the universal.
In this broad earth of ours,
Amid the measureless grossness and the slag,
Enclosed and safe within its central heart,
Nestles the seed perfection.
By every life a share or more or less
None born but it is born -- concealed
or unconcealed, the seed is waiting.

Focus on Gratitude

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

If we are all creating a New Reality with our thoughts, then, the question becomes, “Can I focus my attention on what is essential for me to thrive in my New Reality?” Of course I can, and I am doing it!

I am finding it easier to focus my attention on my dreams and goals and what I want to achieve since I have been ‘going within’ during my meditations each day. Yes, I still get distracted but it’s okay, I simply redirect my concentration with gratitude. I am discovering a whole new world, a magical place that exists within my soul.

It’s only Day 4 of the Blooming Humans series and I can feel the amazing energy illuminating the sacred space in my heart. I am only beginning to identify my unique role in this process, and so far, I am loving being in the place in my heart where light, love and gratitude lives. My Dream Seed continues to sprout, Bloom and GROW!

With an illuminated heart, I am Marsha!

"Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built." ~ James Allen

Prayers of Gratitude

Monday, March 14, 2011

I find change particularly difficult. I have always needed to feel safe and secure, but I have learned this is not real, only an illusion. Change is the only thing that is real. It is the only thing I can count on in this life.

I put a lot of pressure on myself to write each and every day of the 42 days of the 9th and Final Wave of Gratitude. I am not doing that this time. I received the first email on the 11th and not on the 9th as I had expected. So, I am not putting so much pressure on myself. I would go crazy and I am close enough to the edge as it is.

Our life was turned upside down when my husband was fired in January, it seems as if it’s only a minor annoyance compared to the massive destruction occurring in the rest of the world, from earthquakes and tsunamis to financial destruction and the crumbling infrastructure, oh and don’t forget the wars, death and starvation. In this time of dramatic change, and uncertainty, I am finding comfort by going within my soul to find God. As I enter the castle of my soul and close the drawbridge, shutting out the world, I find clarity, inspiration, and peace of mind. And most importantly, I am nurturing the Dream Seed growing within!

In gratitude, I am a Blooming Human, I am Marsha!

Growing with Gratitude

So many changes are happening in the world. My thoughts and prayers are with the people affected by the catastrophic changes occurring in Japan at this time. I am keeping all those affected in my thoughts and prayers. Please join me in keeping Japan in the Light.

In a time like this it’s difficult to understand why, and I certainly cannot even begin to fathom the reason. On the other hand, I am ever so thankful for all those who survived. In the bigger picture I see this as an opportunity for good to emerge from the destruction as a flower emerges in the spring from the destruction of winter. I believe many dream seeds will be planted and many humans will certainly grow and bloom. We can only wait and see what the future will bring.

I know this will be a year of drastic change, but as the earth renews so will the human spirit. I am looking to the future with hope and gratitude in my heart. And I know my Dream Seeds will Go and Grow as I allow my Great-Full-Ness to flow through to the Heart of me. With Joy and Appreciation, in Gratitude I go, a Blooming Human.

I am Marsha!