The Great Give Away

Friday, April 15, 2011

I love the title today. What if everyone just gave away love to everyone they meet today. It could be as simple as a heart felt smile, or another little thing such as opening a door, allowing someone to go ahead of you, leaving a coin in the change return slot for someone to find, paying for the person behind you in the coffee shop… Well I could go on, but I won’t.
I know you can imagine it, all the little things quickly add up and as each person pays it forward, the love and kindness continues to grow and grow at the speed of love. Just think, wouldn't it be amazing? And don’t you think the picture helps to imagine the love flowing in and out, to every living thing, all around the world and beyond? If we all lived like this everyday, the world could soon become such a wonderful place. Shouldn't giving love to others and showing kindness be as simple as breathing, inhaling and exhaling? You don’t have to think about breathing for it to occur, it’s automatic. And that’s the way I imagine that love should be, not only for me but for everyone.

The world could certainly learn some lessons from the kindness being demonstrated by the Japanese people in the wake of the recent devastation. There’s no looting, that says so much to me. In fact, there are volunteers sorting through the debris looking for lost treasures, photos, toys, memories, before everything is cleared away. The items found will hopefully find their way to their owners, families and friends. A triumph of human spirit for sure, and something that would have been so hard to imagine such a short time ago. They are teaching me so much more than they will ever know. I am keeping these wonderful souls, in my thoughts and prayers.
Today, I choose to walk in kindness, I am love, I am Marsha!

"When we give, we simply make room for more to come in. When we become deeply, authentically generous, it signals to our abundant universe that there is a conduit open to receive and distribute. We become part of the vital natural system."
~Lenedra J. Caroll

Actualizing Gratitude

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Many years ago before I began my spiritual journey, I thought the only one who could protect me was God, and I am sure this was so at the time. When I was afraid, I would repeat the Lord’s Prayer over and over and over. Did this work? I believe it did, because I know in my heart there is a lot of power in prayers.

I first learned how to surround myself with White Light to protect myself. This eventually turned into mirrors, so the negativity would be reflected back to the sender. This would usually put a stop rather quickly to the unwanted energy. I became so good at blocking the negative energy that I was not allowing good energy to penetrate my protective box. It was as if I was in a coffin, I was safe and comfortable but desperately alone in my own little world. I was not allowing in any Light so I slowly learned to change my protection methods because there must be a balance. Just as plants need light so do I, because without it I could never grow.

One day I began transforming the negative energy into positive energy and only returned Light to the sender. There is an unbelievable amount of evil in this world, and since I am sensitive to being overwhelmed by it, I have learned to shut it out. It is a matter of survival for me. One of the hardest things I have ever done is to breathe in the darkness, transforming it and breathing out Light. I can only do this for a few minutes at a time. I believe every little helps, so I continue… Another method, and easier I might add, is to simply channel it down into the center of earth where it is destroyed by the molten core or send it to the Sun where it’s burnt up.

And so my journey of Light continues, as I open my heart and soul to the Divine Light, ever onward, and growing as I go with the flow. Always changing and re-arranging energy, allowing many transitions happening at the speed of love in perfect unison for my soul.

With blossoming dreams and an open heart, I am Marsha!

The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.

Divine Union

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

With my dream seeds planted, not only am I a blooming human, I am becoming a Tree of Love. My branches are reaching for the light, while my roots reach into the darkness of the earth, expanding, thriving, and blooming in a balance of night and day. And there must always be a balance, between good and evil, light and dark… I am creating from my heart center a perfectly balanced Divine union in oneness, as I merge with the great being-ness.

For many years when I thought of success, I thought of being rich. And when I thought of ambition I also thought in the terms of money. But I no longer think that way. I have come to learn that it’s the treasures you store in your heart and not the bank that are important. I could never be rich anyway because I would give it to those who need it more than me. My ambition now is to help as many people as I can, by praying for them and to continue sending healing to every living being and to our mother earth. I will continue blessing the water of the earth for as long as I live. I will endeavor to raise my vibration to the highest possible level to channel as much light and love as I can for as long as I am alive and beyond...

With flowering visions and dreams, I am Marsha!

A new platform of reality is being constructed for our human family and our beloved planet earth. We are the creators of this platform based on our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Humanity is being asked to take this next evolutionary leap in conscious choice necessary to accelerate our personal and planetary evolution.

Because flow and alignment with truth can only be sustained by being an open conduit for our Creator/Source, we must recover our resonance with our true Divine Nature. The truth of the natural order of creation has been distorted over time.

Balance is being restored within us and our connection to all life. Every life is important. We are entering the time of a new and extraordinary opportunity for humanity and our planet earth. By re-balancing your connection with the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects of creation, you begin to express your authentic miraculous self more precisely.

Flow and alignment become the natural experience of life and struggle is released. This is something that has always been available to you. As fear and doubt and resistance and misunderstanding give way to understanding, trust and love, we become a means by which our natural state is the expression of Unconditional Love. The natural progression is then to a peaceful, cooperative and loving world… the world becomes a better place.

~ Donna Aazura


Monday, April 11, 2011

I have been using ‘Gratitude’ as part of each title in this series of blogs, but today is doesn’t seem right to say ‘Bee-coming Gratitude’ after all I am Gratitude! It has become an integral part of my life already.

I am bee-coming a blooming human, certainly, my dream seeds are bee-coming … As my soul calls for transformation, I am bee-coming the river that flows into the ocean, the waves caressing the shores of the new reality coming into this world. I am thankful for this opportunity, all that is no longer needed is falling away, allowing me to be reborn. I am not sure where my journey will take me, but I have the courage to let go of the shore.

I am living in the present and allowing the darkness that no longer serves me to fall away, so that brighter, clearer Light can replace it. Everything is choice… I chose to live at this time, and I am choosing to set new intentions and make energetic connections that resonate with my soul. And the most important thing I choose to do, is to never stop learning and growing.

With increasing light and an ever-evolving soul, I am Marsha!

"For all who are stepping forth into the field of oneness, there is a clarion call sounding. This call is of the heart, a wave of inspiration set forth to reverberate thru the new planetary grid structure and one that will give us the green light to create new openings, opportunities and connections with others of like-mind and heart. 

I am told that this group of wayshowers are those who will "bring forth the blueprints of the celestial kingdom for the creation of a new planet, a new way of being and a new system of stewardship."

This is the year that we have the opportunity to co-create physically build something better, more sustainable and with the intention of the highest good for all. This is the moment where we apply our VISIONary leadership skills and share our inspired ideas with others.

There are those already well-versed in these new creations… which will be guided heavily by sacred geometry and the electro-magnetic vortices which align all major power-centers to create the ascendant grid structure for the physical planet… and those with this sacred knowledge will be stepping forth to offer their knowledge to those who require it.

"We are so looking forward to seeing your physical creations take form, the building of a new world based on the needs of the people & the planetary body as a whole."

~ Lauren C. Gorgo

Unifying Gratitude

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dream seeds awaken:
Tears caress the still waters -
Human hearts bloom.
~ I am Marsha

A few days ago, I wrote a Haiku as part of the Blooming Humans 42 Day Experience: Dream Seeding a New Reality! Yesterday I found ‘Haiku For Japan’ at It’s a Haiku for Japan poetry share and contest. So, I decided to write another Haiku poem because I enjoyed writing the first one so much!

It’s such a magical experience trying to put light, love, blessings, prayers and more into 17 syllables and 3 lines. It is also not as easy as it looks! I spent hours working on it and I just couldn’t get it right. Or at least it didn’t feel right to me. So as I lay in bed just before I fell asleep, it came to me. I didn’t want to get up and write it down, so I kept repeating it over and over until I fell asleep. Tonight I will have a pencil and paper by my bed side just in case I have another flash of Haiku, or insight, as the case might be.

I never really understood Haiku but now that I have an inkling of what it’s all about I am enamored. It’s beautiful as well as captivating and I hope to be inspired to write more.

Always with enchantment, and a blooming heart, I am Marsha!

"What we do goes far beyond suggestion or the projections of traditional spirituality. Life is a song, an arrangement from the Sacred Parents, who expect us to continue singing in harmony with All Our Relations. For this we develop our gifts to be used for the harmonious well being of all the levels of vibrational evolution."

- Grandfather Juan Ten Bears Yraceburu, aka Apache Juan