Dream seeds awaken:Tears caress the still waters -Human hearts bloom.~ I am Marsha
A few days ago, I wrote a Haiku as part of the Blooming Humans 42 Day Experience: Dream Seeding a New Reality! Yesterday I found ‘Haiku For Japan’ at www.omtimes.com. It’s a Haiku for Japan poetry share and contest. So, I decided to write another Haiku poem because I enjoyed writing the first one so much!
It’s such a magical experience trying to put light, love, blessings, prayers and more into 17 syllables and 3 lines. It is also not as easy as it looks! I spent hours working on it and I just couldn’t get it right. Or at least it didn’t feel right to me. So as I lay in bed just before I fell asleep, it came to me. I didn’t want to get up and write it down, so I kept repeating it over and over until I fell asleep. Tonight I will have a pencil and paper by my bed side just in case I have another flash of Haiku, or insight, as the case might be.
I never really understood Haiku but now that I have an inkling of what it’s all about I am enamored. It’s beautiful as well as captivating and I hope to be inspired to write more.
Always with enchantment, and a blooming heart, I am Marsha!
"What we do goes far beyond suggestion or the projections of traditional spirituality. Life is a song, an arrangement from the Sacred Parents, who expect us to continue singing in harmony with All Our Relations. For this we develop our gifts to be used for the harmonious well being of all the levels of vibrational evolution."
- Grandfather Juan Ten Bears Yraceburu, aka Apache Juan
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