My dream story continues...yes I did as I said yesterday. I set my intention to dream about my dream seeds before I drifted off to sleep and I had a very strange and memorable dream.
I dreamed that I was in another woman’s body and she was in mine. I was tall and thin with curly reddish-brown hair. As I looked in the mirror I thought I don’t want to be this woman, because she is ugly, even though she was loved by everyone, and had so many friends. She had so much energy and was running and doing so much in my body. I tried to caution her about the restrictions of movement required by my hip replacement, but she wouldn’t listen. I was so afraid she would hurt my body and I wanted it back. And of course, I had it back when I woke up!
I believe this dream had so many messages for me. She was everything I am not and more...many things I have always wanted to be. So, here I was in this body with my introverted personality. I was the same person, I only looked different...which tells me it doesn’t matter what you look like, it’s what’s inside that counts. And most importantly, no matter what you look like, you can be happy anyway. Youth and beauty fade away, it is the treasures you store in your heart that are most important; and after all, it is the only thing you can take with you when you leave this world. Perhaps the most important message of all, is that it’s not too late to realize my dreams! Ah, I am truly a blooming human.
With gratitude and a flowering heart, I am Marsha!
There you are and always werePrecious seed of gratitude
Covered for a time by illusions, delusions, detractionsAnd yet laying there always in fertile soil of the heart
Awaiting the heart’s eyes to wake up and seeThe reality of all to see truth ~ to believe
And now joy begins as gratitude growsSpreading to all creation like seeds of a dandelionSpreading like wildfire cleansing the landInfection each soul with precious gratitude
~ Regina Collins