Enchanting Gratitude

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My dream story continues...yes I did as I said yesterday. I set my intention to dream about my dream seeds before I drifted off to sleep and I had a very strange and memorable dream.

I dreamed that I was in another woman’s body and she was in mine. I was tall and thin with curly reddish-brown hair. As I looked in the mirror I thought I don’t want to be this woman, because she is ugly, even though she was loved by everyone, and had so many friends. She had so much energy and was running and doing so much in my body. I tried to caution her about the restrictions of movement required by my hip replacement, but she wouldn’t listen. I was so afraid she would hurt my body and I wanted it back. And of course, I had it back when I woke up!

I believe this dream had so many messages for me. She was everything I am not and more...many things I have always wanted to be. So, here I was in this body with my introverted personality. I was the same person, I only looked different...which tells me it doesn’t matter what you look like, it’s what’s inside that counts. And most importantly, no matter what you look like, you can be happy anyway. Youth and beauty fade away, it is the treasures you store in your heart that are most important; and after all, it is the only thing you can take with you when you leave this world. Perhaps the most important message of all, is that it’s not too late to realize my dreams! Ah, I am truly a blooming human.

With gratitude and a flowering heart, I am Marsha!


There you are and always were
Precious seed of gratitude

Covered for a time by illusions, delusions, detractions
And yet laying there always in fertile soil of the heart

Awaiting the heart’s eyes to wake up and see
The reality of all to see truth ~ to believe

And now joy begins as gratitude grows
Spreading to all creation like seeds of a dandelion
Spreading like wildfire cleansing the land
Infection each soul with precious gratitude

~ Regina Collins

Flow-ering Gratitude

I never used to snore, but my husband says I do now. It seems kind of crazy. Makes me wonder why. He told me that he was surprised that it didn’t wake me up. Well, the other night I dreamed I was snoring. And I remember thinking I didn’t want to quit snoring because it felt good. So, I guess it did wake me up, But he was sound asleep, and of course I did not tell him!

Of course, I do know that’s not what the message is about, ‘Day 26 - Flow-ering Dreams, but this is what came to mind as I read the title. So that’s what I chose to wrote about. Tonight, I think I will set my intention as I enter the castle within to dream about the Dream Seeds in my Heart and Birthing my New Reality just to see what happens… and so the story continues!

With Flow-ering Dreams of Gratitude, I am Marsha!

I Dream with Powerful Intention

Opening my mind to Spirit, I trust my intuition to deliver powerful visions of my inspired future, and I empower my intent to transform those visions into reality.

- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Flow-er of Gratitude

Friday, April 8, 2011

As I have mentioned previously I have been placing a lot of pressure on myself and I was not making much progress. So I had to take a step back from the subject I was trying so hard to learn. But before I could get back to learning to use the advanced techniques available in WordPress, I got sick. Then I wasn’t able to keep up with my daily blogs.

After about a week and a half, it moved down into my lungs and I was having trouble breathing, so I had to go to the doctor yesterday. Today with prednisone and antibiotics I am feeling better. I still have a lot of congestion in my lungs but I am sure I will soon be back to my studies. I really do think that when I do begin again, I will not be so stressed about it, and I know things will go a lot smoother.

This happens to my daughter too, it seems like every time she has too many commitments and has overextended herself she gets sick. My husband struggles with his addiction to nicotine and he is forced once again to quit smoking when he gets a severe case of bronchitis. And yet he keeps smoking and then quitting. Ah, so many lessons to learn… we are all ‘Cosmic Flow-er’s of Love, Blooming in the Garden of Illuminated Hearts.’

In sickness and in health, always with gratitude, I am Marsha

"Sit down in meditation, Dear Ones. Deepen this knowing, this oneness with all life, with your brothers and sisters, with mother earth, and above all, with your Divine God Self within you. Sit down in meditation and place your consciousness within the center of your Sacred Heart and allow the expansion, to open your heart as a flower.

You may visualize this expansiveness as the opening of the many petals of a lotus blossom, a rose, any flower which ignites your visualization, and provides this expansion for you.
As you expand upon the love of your Sacred Heart, breathe deeply and visualize the Flower of Life symbol. Sacred geometry ignites fire letters and key codes, symbols which assist you in making the transition to your crystalline light body of the fifth dimension.

Sacred geometry will assist you in activating your Merkiva, your light body which will be your vehicle for travel in the fifth dimension. As you breathe and meditate upon the opening and the expansion of the sacred flower in your heart, allow the transition to the symbol of the Flower of Life.

Allow the Flower of Life symbol to overlay your Sacred Heart, to overlay the flower you have opened. Feel the expansion. Allow the activation of the Flower of Life to integrate into the love of your Sacred Heart."

 ~ Michelle Coutant www.transformingradiance.com

Rays of Gratitude

When I look at this picture it reminds me of a time during a moment of despair from the depths of depression, I so hated myself that I wanted to die. So, as I lay in bed before I fell asleep, I imagined I was being stabbed in the chest with imaginary swords, similar to the one in today’s picture.

When I woke up in the morning my chest hurt so much. It was kind of scary, but I learned how powerful the mind is and what thoughts can do. Well, I never did that again, and I had a renewed belief in the power of distant healing. It was a turning point that changed my life. I began to learn about not polluting the world with negative thoughts because as Mike Dooley says, “Thoughts become things… choose the good ones!”

With rays of golden light and morphing dreams, I am Marsha!

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart, this you will build your life by, and this you will become. ~ Anonymous

Branching Gratitude

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I grew up in the mountains of Colorado. I have always loved trees. We had a lot of pine trees around our house and I used to climb them. I will never forget the smell of the pine in the air. I was a tree-hugger before I even know what it meant.

As I learned about energy and began sensing it with my hands, I also began feeling the energy of trees. Their energy is amazing and so very different from each other. It seems as if each tree has it’s own personality.

When I first learned about ‘grounding’ I imagined myself as a tree, with my branches reaching to the Heavens and my roots anchoring deep within the ground. I found that when I touched a tree it was quick and easy to ground by following its roots deep into the ground.

Now I am fascinated by trees, I love looking at them and taking pictures of them, especially in winter when they have shed their coats of leaves. They are naked in winter, while humans, put on their coats to keep warm, and in summer they are wearing their ‘clothes of leaves,’ while we show more skin. Interesting...

With branching possibilities, I am Marsha

"The cosmic way of thinking is awaken in the world of the Enchanted Flower, for human beings recognize her-his-self as an entity of a higher order, the divine order, where all is a big family, for the worlds are part of the one as one is part of the all, all is a beautiful orchestra happening with completely divine order, in a perfect harmony.

In this beautiful world where the true human being have always been, all is bonding into one, for it is the one that unfolded, the one that understands where you have always been, for you are being integrated into a higher version of your own self.

There is one single language, that resides in the outside as well in the inside, for communication happens in a very direct form, there is no filters that create a process, it is a communication that is unfolding instantaneously, and is happening with everything that exist, at the same time, for time equals zero, love is the energy that connects in the purity of the essence, and the connection is the way of living.

In the world of the Enchanted Flower, there (are) no separations of the chakras, no divisions between conscious and subconscious, no separation of mind, body emotions, spaces or dimensions, for all the dimensions are contained in the one. This means that there is no world separated.
It means that there are worlds inside of a worlds inside of a worlds, all is completely integrated, all is one, for through the essence of all vibrations communication is taking place, for the root of the tree of life has always been one, for the one is contained in the whole as the whole is contained in the one."

~Magdala Ramirez

Cherished Gratitude

Monday, April 4, 2011

I really do cherish all my experiences, and even though it has been a difficult path to walk, I still wouldn’t change anything. I have to ask, “Would I be a better person if my life had been easier?” All I can say is no, I think I would be shallow and certainly less compassionate.

I also wonder, what would it have been like to have a wonderful mother who actually loved me? I have never been close to her and I will never be. I always thought I would never be like her and so I tried to do everything better, at least differently. But when I look in the mirror I see the resemblance and I so hate it.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

So, why is it that most women, especially me, are so traumatized by the thought of becoming their mothers, when men don’t seem to mind being like their fathers? Inquiring minds what to know. It just doesn’t seem fair.
Always with sonic blooms in my heart, I am Marsha!


"Another way to think about intention is that intention is a guiding principle or purpose that leads the way, helps you clarify choices and, if done right, PULLS you in it's direction. When you know what your intention is, or WHY you do what you do, you now have a filter which to pass all decisions, choices and actions through.

If you come to a crossroads and don't know the best choice to make, remember your intention and it will become obvious what you should do.

The beautiful thing about having an intention is that it gives all the energy in your life a point of focus to gather around. Energy is free flowing until it is given a focus. It's well known that where attention goes, energy flows. Think of intention as a constant rallying point and place of focus.

For example, if your intention is to be of service and spread love, like mine is, when you meet challenging situations the question you ask yourself is, "in this moment, how can I be of service and spread love?" Asking this question will help you respond to your circumstances instead of react to them. And in doing so you will continue to create and manifest the life of your intention."

~ Mastin Kipp