Complete in Gratitude

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My goal was to write 42 blogs, and not 42 days, so it has taken me a little longer to complete this series, but I’m ok with that. I am so Great-Full for another amazing 42 Day adventure inspired by Stacey Robyn. It’s been an interesting ride, filled with amazing and most importantly, positive changes and oh so many ah-ha moments.

A few blogs ago, in Unifying Gratitude, I wrote a Haiku poem for the people of Japan and submitted it to OM-Times Magazine. Today I found out that my poem was selected, along with many others, in the May issue and also in their You Tube video. What a wonderful new beginning and an amazing way to complete my series of 42 Dream Seed blogs. I feel so blessed to even be included, I have come so far and it’s nothing short of miraculous!

Today is Day 42 and I have completed this journey and I will begin another, I’m thinking of calling it ‘Miracles.’ I never wrote very many blogs after the first series, so we shall see…

Blessings of Love, Light and Gratitude, I am Marsha!

Day 42 BLOOMING HUMANS ARE WE, by Stacey Robyn


ATTENTION, we create (W)RITES OF PASSAGE … consciously designing, initiating and celebrating our co-journey into the Age of Peace and Illumination.

The First Spirit, The WATERS OF LIFE expand, activate and nourish our Dream Seeds; RELEASING TO GROW, we birth ROOTS AND SHOOTS, carrying our visions INWARD, ONWARD, UPWARD, OUTWARD.
RADICAL ACTION opens the Way, for PHOTOSYNTHESIS to feed our Light bodies, and vivify our whole-being.

With open hearts, we see BEAUTY ALL AROUND and choose - again and again - to BE LOVE.

Celebrating our ROOTS OF UNITY, we co-create (K)NEW STRUCTURES. SOURCE CODED TO THRIVE, our dreams, callings and visions continue to GO AND GROW.

RE-VIEWING INTENT WITH GRATITUDE; we explore new pathways of Appreciation and SELF LOVE. We ASK AND ACT, harmonizing in-flow and out-flow, consciously choosing when, where, why and how to Go.

BUDDING HAIKU is the Poetry of Possibility; written in our Hearts, our CHERISHED DREAMS become reality.

Our HUMANIFESTO guides, connects, unifies and inspires … We choose to BE the change we wish to see in the World.


The DIVINE UNION of Heart and Mind, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, Light and Dark, Above and Below facilitates ACTUALIZATION FERTILIZATION … proceeding the THE GREAT GIVE-AWAY, of the fruits of our TREE OF LOVE, now thriving in the GARDEN OF ILLUMINATED HEARTS.


With Faith Wisdom, INTUITION FRUITION synchronously guides our daily lives, and IN GRATITUDE WE GROW.



Together in Gratitude

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just for today …

“Enter the silence, and breathe into the sacred space of the Heart where the Light of Love lives. In the silent space of communion with the Divine… imagine a Garden of Illuminated Hearts filled with Trees of Love, each unique and precious creating a landscape of perpetual change … each a living, breathing flow-er of Live.”
~ Day 41 The Great Coming Together, Stacey Robyn

I am Birthing my New Reality, in the Sacred Space at the Heart of my Being where Love lives. Never in my I-MAGI-NATION could I have foretold the changes that this 42 day series of blogs would bring in my life. I am so Great-Full that I was able to participate in Birthing a New Reality. And my heart-felt Great-Full-Ness to Stacey Robyn for helping me, along with so many others, to become a Blooming Human and to grow into a Tree of Love in the Garden of Illuminated hearts. I feel so much more connected to All that IS, and to One another.

Looking back, I am so thankful to be where I am today. I don’t think I would be here if God had not loved me so completely and unconditionally when I struggled with darkness in the depths of depression, fighting so many battles of good and evil and so afraid of being alone. I am calm and I have found peace deep within, and I now know that I am not alone. My beliefs have changed dramatically, and just knowing that I am not alone is huge for me because this was one of my biggest fears. And all the times that I thought I was so desperately alone was only an illusion, it was not real.

I have certainly Birthed a New Reality. It’s really pretty amazing, and I am so thankful that I was willing to hear the message and to allow new doors to be opened in my life. I am entering the Age of Peace and Illumination. In Oneness as one Heart, I feel the Joyous Great Coming Together of the Children of the Four Directions.

With One Heart, in Gratitude, I am Marsha!

The Gabriel Messages

When thousands gather for prayer and communion with each other, by technology or in person, a new level of Light embraces the planet. There are many masters, angels and ascended beings working with the people of the Earth to create a new way of living before it is too late.

The power of this non-physical assistance, when joined with the gathering force of awakened heart-centered beings, is not to be doubted.

Your part is clear. As you rise up in yourself to find a higher form of grace and astute awareness, you become part of the great Web of Peace encircling the planet. Every person who is awakening is essential to this movement.

As you allow your heart to be your guide, your actions become more peace centered, and your awareness is filled with the Light of Truth. Rejoice in the possibilities that exist for the Earth during this precious time. Make yourself receptive to the many high-frequency activations that are currently sweeping the world and integrate them into your being.

Remember how important your very presence is to this evolution of consciousness. When hearts and minds are attuned to the Oneness that is Divine Love, it sparks new more enlightened activity, and Peace will prevail upon the Earth.

You are loved beyond your capacity to truly know with your mind, but you can feel it in your heart. You can learn to join in the alignment with your most sacred, Divine Self to receive your own answers and be empowered in every area of your life.

This is a magical time that can uplift humanity and bring a sense of sacredness to the Earth. Your continued support is invaluable.

Your sacred task is to release any attachment to the appearance of disharmony, but to hold to the love inherent within all things, especially yourself. As you do this it will bring more Light to the planet. This job is yours if you choose. Come, heed the call and rejoice in the New Earth you are creating.

May all beings act from their awakened heart and illuminate the planet with Divine Love.
~ Shanta Gabriel

One In Oneness

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Changes can occur in an instant but it takes so much longer for my mind to accept it. Change, my constant companion, has always been difficult for me. I am also not good with surprises or last minute adventures. On the other hand, I love miracles, flashes of insight and ah-ha moments!

For the longest time, I have believed that change was the only thing I could count on, but I have come to realize that I can trust the peace and stillness deep within my soul, in my castle. I know that only love is real. In my world of illusion, it often takes time for my mind to develop the willingness to accept change. But now I wonder, could it be that change is an illusion?

A few years ago I had an out of body experience. I believe it only lasted a few seconds, but I learned so much during such a short time, I realized that time had passed differently for me during the time I was floating out of my body. Along with change, time is another illusion in the world of matter.

Even though I realize that this world is only an illusion, and it seems silly to get upset about something someone says or does, or even to get frustrated with my computer, I’m sure that when little things like this happen, I will have to remind myself that it’s not real. This concept is huge for me, because I know from my past experience that I have extreme difficulty expressing anger toward others. I tend to hold in it, and repressed anger turns into depression.

I also know from my own experience that it’s not always that easy for me to change my beliefs, it’s a process that takes time. So, here I go, one breath, one heartbeat, one step at a time, allowing my Tree of Love to thrive in the Garden of Illuminated Hearts...

One Heart, One World, One Love, I am Marsha!

"The relationship between our quest for divine purpose and our capacity to love is tangible. As we open the gateway to our heart, our callings step on through, revealing themselves a little bit more with every deepening.

As we infuse our lives with loving-kindness, we enliven our path, granting ourselves the energy we need to see our Godly purpose all the way through to completion. Love is God in her most clarified forms."

~ Jeff Brown (Soulshaping)